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Hardness 2.7–4.5, Specific gravity 2–2.86, Refractive index 1.55–1.65

Pearls are found in pearl oysters, a species of bivalve mollusk. A pearl glows instead of sparkles. Pearls may be white, black, red, blue, brown, yellowish, and pink.

The location where pearls are grown will cause variations in their characteristics. The rosy white and cream-sheened pearls are considered the best and are thus the most expensive. Pearls of this type are found mainly in the Persian Gulf. Also valuable are the black pearls tinted with iridescent green. Pearl weight is measured by grams rather than carats.

Pearls are mainly found in the Persian Gulf, Sri Lanka (Gulf of Manear), Australia, Vietnam, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, China, the Pacific Isles, Venezuela, the Red Sea, Panama, and South India. At the present time, the best pearls come from the Persian Gulf, Myanmar (Burma), Australia, and Indonesia. The biggest producer is Australia, then Indonesia and the Philippines. The largest pearls are produced in the South Pacific in white, black, and silver colors.

Natural pearls can be ten times more expensive than cultured ones. A natural pearl is produced when an object—a piece of shell, coral, or sand—becomes lodged in the oyster’s shell. To protect from the abrasion, the oyster coats the object with a secretion of calcium carbonate called nacre. Over a number of years, these secretions build up and form a pearl.

Most pearls today are cultivated. The Japanese began pearl cultivation about one hundred years ago, using mostly Akoya oysters, common in Japan. To cultivate a pearl, the pearl farmers place a tiny bead of pearl shell into the oyster’s flesh. This stimulates the oyster to secrete nacre and thus begin to form a pearl. The oysters are then returned to the sea for several years while the pearls develop. Cultured Akoya pearls are expensive, while South Sea pearls are the most expensive. Pearls from the South Seas are a good size, ranging from 9–17 mm, while the Akoya pearls usually measure 2–9 mm. Akoya pearls are often bleached, then colored, to give them good variety. South Pacific pearls are found in different colors—cream, silver, gold, shades of blue and pink.

Black pearls are found in Tahiti.Pearls are valued according to their size, shape, color, and shade. There are both saltwater and freshwater pearls. Freshwater pearls are the least expensive, and are often sold for less than costume jewelry. Perfectly round is the most valuable shape in a pearl, then a symmetrical drop, pear shape, and button.

A good pearl is translucent and lustrous. The quality of the pearl’s luster helps to tell its value. The surface of the pearl should give an illusion of depth, as if you were looking into a clear pool of water reflecting a cloud.

A natural pearl can often be distinguished from an imitation by its texture. A natural pearl should be smooth; an imitation will feel rough when rubbed on the teeth and possesses a gritty, sandpaper-like texture. It is more difficult to tell the difference between a natural and a cultured pearl. To be sure, one must use X-radiography. Most cultured pearls are bleached, which makes them less useful for astrological purposes. Some black pearls have also been dyed.

Cultured pearls that have a nacreous layer of less than half a millimeter (one-fiftieth of an inch) are considered inferior. Lacquer is often put on pearls to prevent wear and to keep them from cracking. Imitation pearls are often made of glass or plastic, then covered with a coating of synthetic pearl.

The luster on some pearls is only on the outside. On others, the pearl’s surface appears dull, but there is an internal luster.Mother-of-pearl is made by putting shaped items into a mussel shell. Often tiny images of Buddha are used. The oysters then secrete layers of calcium carbonate over the figure, coating them with mother-of-pearl.

Pearls in a necklace should be matched for color, translucency, and luster. They should be strung with knots between the pearls, to stop them from rubbing against one another. Also, if the strand breaks, the pearls will not scatter.

Pearls are damaged by perfume, hair spray, cosmetics, and skin acids. High humidity or excessive dryness can also damage them. Pearls are soft, so if they are placed in a box with other gems, care has to taken that they don’t become scratched.

Astrological Effects of Pearls
Pearls are ruled by the Moon. They should be worn by those in whose birth chart the Moon is lord of an auspicious house, and when the lord of an auspicious house is afflicted and is not well placed in the birth chart. Pearls are used to strengthen a weak Moon, and can be worn if the Moon is well-placed in the birth chart.

Pearls are presided over by different Vedic deities: dark pearls by Vishnu, moonlike pearls by Indra, black pearls by Yamaraja, red pearls by Vayu, yellow pearls by Varuna, and pearls that are brilliant like fire or which have the luster of lotuses by Agni.

Pearls strengthen the mind, increase memory, and help control anger. They have a calming and peaceful effect on the mind, and encourage feelings of compassion and love. They also help spiritual meditation.

Ownership of a good pearl brings wealth, sons, popularity, fortune, fame, and freedom from disease and grief. Hindu brides often wear pearl nose rings at their weddings in order to ensure happy marriages and to guard against widowhood.

Those who wear a perfect pearl will be blessed by Goddess Lakshmi to become rich. They will have long lives, good intelligence, attain wealth, happiness, success, general good luck, become famous, and receive important positions in life. They will have patience, determination, purity, a dislike for anger, and a desire to do well. Pearls with a yellow luster give wealth. Red pearls increase intelligence. White pearls give fame. Blue pearls give good fortune. Pearls can help one become self-confident, and can make the work environment more peaceful.

Pearls can help students concentrate better and with more mental peace. They can help young married couples remain harmonious. If one has trouble finding a marriage partner, pearls can be worn to help alleviate this situation. Pearls are good for diplomats and those engaged in charity. They also help one develop creativity.

Pearls and their substitutes transmit the color orange. Orange rays have a cold effect, and can be used to treat the diseases relating to blood and bodily secretions that are caused by extreme heat in the body. Pearls reduce body heat and thus balance bodily fluids.

Pearls can calm the nerves, free one from anxiety, lessen tension, and help with mental problems caused by too much heat in the brain and heart. Pearls are good for women in general. Pearls may also help improve such conditions as tuberculosis, heart disease, ulcers, fever, epilepsy, diabetes, insomnia, eye problems, and uterine problems. Women can wear pearls for menstrual problems.

Wearing defective pearls, however, causes misfortune. Watch for cracks, moles (if it is black, it is very inauspicious), lack of luster, a thin line across the outside of the pearl, spots, internal dirt, or a wood-like material in them.
If a pearl is broken, one will lose his livelihood. If a pearl is in the shape of a bird rather than round, the wearer will lose his or her wealth. If a pearl is shaped like coral, one will become poor. If a pearl does not have luster, one’s life will be shortened by wearing it. If a pearl has a spot that looks like a fish’s eye, one’s children may be lost. Wearing a spotted pearl can cause leprosy.

The most effective pearls astrologically are those that are round and lustrous. A pearl that is long rather than round takes away one’s intelligence and makes him foolish. A pearl that has a protrusion on three corners is bad luck. If a pearl is flat, the wearer will get a bad name.

A natural pearl has much more astrological power than a cultured pearl, but since natural pearls are so difficult to find—and are so expensive—some people use cultured pearls as a remedy. One natural pearl can have more effect than a strand of cultured pearls, however. The only way to determine whether one is purchasing a natural pearl or a cultured pearl is to X-ray it to examine its nucleus. Do not drill the pearl; a drilled pearl is of no use astrologically.

A pearl should weigh at least two grams; four, six, nine, or eleven grams are acceptable weights. If one must use a cultured pearl, it should weigh at least three to five grams.

Pearls should be set in silver and worn for the first time on a Monday (best) or Thursday in the evening. They should definitely not be purchased on Saturdays. Pearls should be worshipped with incense and flowers, and the following mantra should be chanted 108 times: Om som somaya namaha om. Om som chandraya namaha can also be chanted. The pearl ring should be worn on a Monday morning during the bright half of the lunar month (during the waxing moon, best during a full moon), ideally during one of the constellations ruled by the Moon, such as Rohini, Hasta, Shravan, or Pushya. The ring should ideally be put on during Cancer, Pisces, or Taurus, or while in a friendly sign. The Moon should not be aspected or conjunct with a malefic planet when the pearl is installed.
A pearl should be worn on the ring finger of either hand. The ritual to install the ring should be performed on a Monday evening after moonrise. People often feel a strong effect within a week of the installation.
Moonstone or white sapphire can substitute for pearl. If a moonstone is used, find a stone that weighs at least eight to ten carats.

As the Moon is not compatible with Rahu or Ketu, neither hessonite nor cat’s eye or their substitutes should be worn with pearl or its substitutes. Some authorities say that pearls should also not be worn with diamonds, blue sapphires, or emeralds. The Navaratna setting is an exception to this rule.The cosmic color enhanced by pearl is orange, the cosmic number is two. Pearls affect water, taste, the tongue, blood, and the second chakra, Svadtistana (private area).

Stotra of invocation: “Om dadhi sankha tusarabham, chira arnava samudbhavam, namami sasinam soman, shambhor mukuta blusanam.”

To increase a pearl’s good effects, soak it in a solution of gold and mercury. To test a pearl’s quality, soak it in a solution of warm oil and salt. This will not damage a natural pearl. If a natural pearl is rubbed with a dry cotton cloth containing rice, a genuine pearl will maintain its luster and color.It is best to drill only oyster pearls through the center.

Pearls can be cleaned by placing them in lightly boiling milk or water, in a covered clay pot. Then they should be rubbed gently with a pure linen cloth.

Depending on a person’s occupation, different color pearls should be worn. A priest, teacher, scientist, or intellectual should wear a white pearl. A ruler, soldier, or administrator should wear an orangish white pearl. A businessman, farmer, or banker should wear a greenish white pearl. A laborer, artisan, or servant should wear a black or bluish pearl.  

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