Letter PAMHO:12951848 (19 lines) From: (Bhakta) Jan Mares (NE-BBT Czech) Date: 25-Jan-07 19:55 (20:55 +0100) To: Free Forum (Announcements) [10993] Cc: Mahavan (das) IDS (BVG Secretariat, Moscow - RU) [3252] (received: 27-Jan-07 07:03) (sender: Secretary to Bhakti Vijnana Goswami) Cc: Vrajarenu (das) BVG (BVG Assistant, Moscow - RU) [5463] (received: 04-Feb-07 13:39) (sender: Secretary to Bhakti Vijnana Goswami) Bcc: "MB" (sent: 28-Jan-07 16:11) (sender: Adipurusa (das) GKG (IN)) Bcc: "Mirek Kozojed" (sent: 25-Jan-07 19:57) Subject: Hanuman murti crying? ------------------------------------------------------------ Devotees flock Rajkot Hanuman temple to watch 'tear miracle' Press Trust of India Rajkot, January 21, 2007 A large number of devotees thronged a local temple after reports that tears were rolling down the eyes of Lord Hanuman's idol, shrine officials said on Sunday. People rushed to watch the 'miracle' late on Saturday night hours after a similar incident was reported from Mathura in Uttar Pradesh. The gathered devotees began humming 'Ram dhun', 'Hanuman chalisa' and other devotional songs, a temple trustee said. The trustee, however, denied any miracle has happened in the temple and said he had not seen tears coming out of Hanuman's idol. http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_1906120,0008.htm (Text PAMHO:12951848) --------------------------------------