Text 876554 (121 lines) From: Jayadhvaja Swami Date: 01-Nov-97 22:11 SWT To: (Krsna) Katha [528] Subject: Diwali ------------------------------------------------------------ Colorful rangoli adorns the doorway of homes Diwali or Deepawali, literally 'an array of lamps', is the festival of lights and is celebrated on the darkest night of Kartik. It is perhaps the most important festival in India.The festival, it has now crossed the bounds of religion and is celebrated by all in India with fervor and gaiety. This day is a public holiday all over India. Diwali is also perhaps the oldest festival still celebrated today and is mentioned in the Ramayana. The celebrations include the lighting of lamps and candles, and the bursting of crackers. Friends and neighbors exchange special sweets. People buy new clothes and in fact, in certain communities, it is absolutely essential to wear new clothes on this day. Diwali in India is equivalent to christmas in the West. Therefore it is India Festiva Market places are gaily decorated on Diwali Dhanteras in honor of Dhanvantari, the physician of the demigods. He has emerged with a pot of amrita during the samudra manthan. People bathe early in the morning and observe a fast, which is broken only after sunset with sweetmeats, puri and other delicacies.On Dhanteras, new kitchen utensils are bought and kept at the place Diwali New kitchen utensils are bought on Dhanteras of worship. The buying of utensils,according to one theory is, relates to the Lila of Dhanvantari emerging from the ocean with a pot in his hand. Since he is also the physician of the demigods, Crackers light up the moon-less Diwali night ,Diwali also the time when people get the festival bonus to their salaries. It marks the beginning of the new year for a large majority of Hindus, especially the trader community. Preparations for the festival begin many days prior to Diwali. It is time for a thorough cleaning of the house, for the belief is that Lakshmi will enter clean and nicely decorated houses. The scientific reason is that the monsoon is a time for insects and fungus to breed.With the end of the monsoon, homes need to be cleaned and painted, and belongings aired and dried before the onset of winter. The festival itself extends over about a week even though the most important day is the new moon day. Oil diyas are lit to welcome Lakshmi cleanliness and hygiene are essential to this festival. The day before Diwali is celebrated as Choti Diwali or 'small Diwali'. It is Diwali on a smaller scale, with fewer lights lit and fewer crackers burst. The morning after Choti Diwali, the women of the house make beautiful,colored rangolis in the door way and courtyard. Tiny footprints made out of Diwali rice paste are a special feature of the rangoli made for Diwali. They signify the footprints of Lakshmi, as she enters the house. In Hindu homes, Diwali celebrations involve a puja toLakshmi and also to Rama in the evening. Songs in honour of Rama sare sung and arati is performed. Oil or ghee diyas are also lit. The demigods are offered kheel, batashe and khilone and various sweetmeats. After the puja, the diyas are placed in and around the house: in the doorway, near the Tulasi plant, the backyard, every room and the back and front gates. After this,crackers are burst, and people meet friends and neighbors to exchange good wishes and sweets. Since Diwali falls on the new moon night, lamps are lit to brighten this moonless night. Lakshmi will not enter a dark house. The lamps also welcome home the spirits of dead ancestors, who are believed to visit on this auspicious night. In addition, the light frightens away any evil spirit that might be wandering about near the house on this night. In Orissa,lamps are lit to light up the dark path that Diwali celebrates the return of Rama, Sita and Lakshmana to Ayodhya after a 14 year exile Diwali the spirits of ancestors take back to heaven. In modern times, ghee diyas have been replaced by wax candles and coloured electric bulbs. In many areas,there is a competition of sorts among neighbors as everyone tries to have the brightest lights. The origin of Diwali can be traced back to ancient India, when it was probably an important harvesting season. It was thus extremely important to the largely pastoral Vaishya community. Their granaries were full,and the weather was good, at the end of the long monsoon and before the arduous winter. It was therefore a good time to celebrate. The Vaishya community began their new year with this happy occassion, after paying their debts and clearing their ledgers. Diwali marks the killing of Narkasura at the hands of Krishna and therefore forms a major part o fDiwali celebrations. Being associated with the goddess of wealth and fortune,Diwali is specially important to the Vaishya community. Most tradesmen close their old ledgers and dealings and start afresh with new ledgers after DiwaliDiwali. This day, with its emphasis on money, is also considered lucky for gambling. Giving social sanction to advice, a popular saying states that one who does not gamble on this day will be born a donkey in his next birth. Casinos and local gambling houses do brisk business during the Diwali week. In most homes, people invite their friends and relatives over to play cards. Another reason for the celebration of Diwali is that it marks the killing of the evil Narkasura at the hands of Krishna.Naraka abducted16,000 women. Krishna killed him and rescued these women whom he later married. Naraka is the personification of hell and is believed to be the monsoon during which all activities come to a standstill. Sumptuous Diwali sweets are available in markets , though Diwali is equally important in the south and the north, the celebrations are markedly different. InSouth India, the story widely associated with Diwali is that of Narasimha, the man-lion incarnation of Vishnu , Hiranyakshipu was an evil demon king. He was unjust and cruel to his people. However he was almost invincible, having extracted a boon from Brahma that he would be killed neither by beast nor man, neither inside nor outside, neither during the day nor at night. When his atrocities became unbearable, the demigods sought Vishnu's help. Assuming his fifth incarnation of Narasimha, the man-lion,Vishnu killed Hiranyakshipu with his claws in the courtyard just before daybreak, hence steering clear of the boundaries of the boon. For this reason in the south, people light diyas in their houses on the day preceding Diwali. The next day begins early. First is the bath, which begins with an oil massage of the hair and body. This is absolutely essential on this day. Its importance probably refers to cleaning oneself thoroughly after the monsoon months. Sisters apply tilak to their brothers on Bhai Duja corporations of bigger cities also organize buckets and tankers of water at strategic locations. The second day after Diwali is celebrated as Bhai Duja when sistersDiwali apply tilak to their brothers and pray for their long and happy life. Originally was only for married women. Since they celebrated Diwali with their in-laws,this festival allowed them to come tot heir parents' home during this auspicious time. They got some time to meet the family and to rest after the hectic activity of the preceding week.And it gave their parents an opportunity to give them gifts, an opportunity they did not often get. Nowadays however,among many communities Bhai Duja is observed by both married and unmarried sisters. (Text 876554) ----------------------------------------------