Dear friends, I would like to wish all of you a very Happy Deepavali. Spend some quality time with your family, friends and beloved ones. This is a time of the year that we should put-away the materialistic living, and come to reality that we need each other to survive immaterial of race, religion, and color. We are all humans on the eye of the earth, and shall see from the same eyes. Learn to love everyone so that everyone would love you the same. Hate and anger is not going to bring us peace, happiness and prosperity. One is just hurting one’s self by carrying the cancer of anger and hate. If I had hurt you in anyway, I do humbly ask for forgiveness. Learn to give so that you will be given. Valgha Valargha (Prosper with Prosperity) VeeJay May the Light of Deepavali brightens your life. _________________________________________________________________________________ Let the light shine through By SHAILAJA MENON India is a land of great cultural diversity and richness but the one festival that unites all the different castes is Deepavali. A Sanskrit word, Deepavali literally means “a row of lights”. The festival is celebrated across India and beyond with fervour and gaiety to ward off the darkness and welcome the light. Subarna Chakravarty Prabhakar, 31, a Bengali who grew in Mumbai, confesses: “My family has lived in Mumbai for as long as I can remember so we tend to adopt some of the customs followed there. “For me, Deepavali has always been a time of great joy and peace. My mother made sure that we were all involved in the preparation for Deepavali and contributed in what little way we could. “Preparation always began with an annual housecleaning long before the actual day itself. Deepavali cards and greetings were sent out to friends and relatives far and near. We all pitched in to help make the sweets. “Our traditional Bengali sweets are made of semolina, coconut, flour and ghee. Savouries too are prepared, like nimki, which is made of refined wheat, and chakli, which is made of rice flour.” Bengalis celebrate Deepavali or Diwali, as it is known in north India, over three days, explains Subarna. Dhantrayodashi (also known as Dhanteras), the first day of Diwali is considered very auspicious. The word “Dhan” denotes wealth and the women of the house buy gold, silver or anything made of metal as this signifies lasting prosperity. On the second day, Choti Diwali, or small Diwali, 14 lamps are lit around the house signifying the attempt to dispel darkness and ignorance by spreading the radiance of love and wisdom. On Badi Diwali or big Diwali, the day is spent visiting close family and friends and exchanging sweets, lighting firecrackers and partaking in feasts. Deepavali signifies the return of Lord Rama to his kingdom of Ayodhya after 14 long years in exile to kill the evil Ravana, thus marking the triumph of good over evil. Continues Subarna, “We also do a Lakshmi puja on Choti Diwali, where the goddess Lakshmi is worshipped for wealth and prosperity, and a Kali puja on Badi Diwali to propitiate the goddess Kali.” “Over the three days of Diwali,’’ reveals Subarna, “the house is decorated with alpona (rice powder mixed with water) and on the night of Choti Diwali, you use it to ‘draw’ the feet of Lakshmi entering your house. Strings of flowers are used to decorate the puja (prayer) room and the rest of the house.” It’s not called the festival of lights for nothing, says Subarna. “Several kinds of lights are used including electric lights, diyas (small, beautifully decorated lamps fashioned out of clay, filled with oil and lit), candles and kandeels (paper lanterns) to decorate the house during Diwali. “The paper lanterns are ingenious: shapes range from the regular stars and squares to the S.S. Titanic! Diyas in their various shapes and forms are now a major fashion statement in Mumbai and are even given as gifts. Streets and shops are lit up for a whole month before Diwali and vie to be the most attractively decorated around.’’ Subarna recalls with nostalgia: “A walk along the streets of Mumbai on Deepavali has always been the highlight for me. The entire city is transformed into a fairyland, with lights and flowers decorating every house. The general atmosphere of hope, joy and bonhomie gives me a sense of comfort of being in touch with my roots and culture”. For Seema Chandnani, 29, a Sindhi, who grew up in the city of Hyderabad, the onset of Deepavali is heralded by a thorough cleaning of the house that begins as far back as a month and half before the actual festival. The cleaning is significant, she explains, because, “The goddess Lakshmi is said to visit the house on Deepavali day so the house and the surroundings are cleaned in anticipation of that.” Sweets too have to be prepared well in advance, as exchanging sweets and other gifts amongst friends and family is an important part of the celebration. Sindhis prepare their traditional sweets, like laai which is made from rice flakes and lentils. For the traditional Deepavali dinner, it is customary to make a mixed vegetable dish comprising seven different kinds of vegetables. On auspicious days like Deepavali, most Hindus, including Seema and her family, tend to be vegetarian. Other preparations include buying new clothes for the occasion. Men buy gold jewellery for their mothers, wives and daughters as this is said to usher in prosperity. The house is decorated with new things and, in the evenings, diyas are lit so that the house exudes warmth and light. Seema recounts, “The day begins very early for most households as everybody is filled with anticipation and joy. Everybody dresses in festive finery. Some of the members of the house go visiting friends and family, exchanging good wishes and sweets while others stay back as there will be many visiting us as well. In the evening, the new clothes and jewellery are worn and everybody goes to their place of work to perform the Lakshmi puja, a prayer to the Goddess of Wealth to shower them with prosperity. After the prayers are over, the youngsters in the house seek the blessings of the elders who in turn, give them some cash. After that, crackers are lit symbolising happiness and celebration.” One of the most striking customs which characterises the spirit of Deepavali is the large-scale gambling, especially in North India. It is believed that whoever gambles on Deepavali night will prosper throughout the coming year. Deepavali also coincides with New Year in Gujrat, and amongst the Jain merchant communities old accounts are closed. The first day after Deepavali is considered the first day of the new financial year and new account books are opened with the blessings of the goddess Lakshmi. Senthil Dhruva Kumar, 31, a Telegu Chettiar who lives in the city of Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu says, “The first sign of Deepavali is the burning of crackers which commences five days before the actual date. We make sweets and distribute them to all our friends and family both before and on the actual day itself. “Deepavali day begins with a ritual oil bath, after which we place the new clothes in the puja room to be blessed. After a bath, we drink a spicy concoction of ground pepper, aniseed, cardamom, coriander seeds and several other exotic ingredients. We then perform a simple prayer at home, after which the elders give cash to the youngsters. “The entire family then goes outside and lights crackers till late in the morning, after which we have a huge breakfast. “Being in the jewellery business, the months leading up to Deepavali are very hectic with sales and other promotions held,” says Senthil. “During the good times, our employees in the retail showroom are given their salary and bonuses well in advance, as this is the time when most people splurge on clothes, jewellery, crackers and sweets for their families.” On a personal note, on account of being a Malayali, Deepavali does not figure in the official list of festivals that we celebrate but having lived in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, all of my growing years, the spirit of Deepavali is embedded deep in my soul. The mention of Deepavali brings to mind the memory of being woken up to the sound of crackers as early as three in the morning and joining in by lighting sparklers, flower pots and rockets. The entire night sky would be illuminated with the sights and sounds of crackers going off all over town! Temples resounded with the prayers of the faithful who thronged to worship the deities and receive their blessings on the auspicious day. Greetings and good wishes poured in via telephone, cards and personal visits. The only difference I can perceive with regard to the celebration of Deepavali in Malaysia is the concept of “open house”, which I think is a uniquely Malaysian custom. But the spirit of Deepavali remains the same as goodwill and bonhomie abound, encompassing both the celebrants and those who partake in the celebrations. Happy Deepavali!