Subject: [world-vedic] Tulsi Vivah-The Wedding Between Krsna & Tulsi Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 17:08:32 -0000 From: Meera S. Sashital Reply-To: To: Tulsi Vivah Source: Free Press Journal By Meera S. Sashital One of the most sacred plants of the Hindus is the Tulsi Plant (Ocimum Sanctum). There is not one household where you will not find the plant in front of the house. Tulsi plant is held in great Veneration because it is supposed to be the incarnation of Lakshmi. Every pious Hindu takes care to water it daily and make circumambulation of it while praying. In the month of shukla or bright half of Kartik, on an auspicious day between the eleventh day and the fifteenth, God Krishna in married to Tulsi. A mock marriage is performed with a murti of Krishna or the Salagrama believed to be Krishna himself and Tulsi. Tulsi, the plant, was in her former birth Vrinda, the daughter of a giant named Nemi or Kalanemi. Tulsi was married to a demon named Jalandhar. Her husband was, according to legend, born out of the sweat which Shiva had thrown from his brow into the ocean when he perspired at being insulted by Lord Indra. As he was born in water or Jala, he was named Jalandhar. Due to this he claimed suzerainty of the Ocean and as his heritage demanded back from Indra all the fourteen treasures churned out of the ocean in the second incarnation of Vishnu. But, Indra, the king of the Gods, refused. To avenge Indra, Jalandhar worshipped Brahma and did severe penance. Brahma being pleased grants him freedom from death as long as his wife Vrinda remained virtuous and chaste, because Vrinda was renowned for her faithfulness and chastity. Jalandhar quite secure of his life wages war on Indra and invades Amaravati, the capital of Swarga, compelling all he Gods to flee. They seek Shiva and Vishnu's protection and fight the demon but get defeated. Finally Vishnu deputes Lakshmi to Jalandhar to learn the secret of his death. Jalandhar yields to her charms and discloses the fact. At first Shiva is sent to Vrinda in Jalandhar's form to entice her but he fails. Then, Vishnu himself goes to Vrinda in the guise of Jalandhar and betrays her. No sooner Vrinda loses her virtue, Jalandhar gets killed. Vrinda on discovering the identity and the horrible deed he had committed cursed Vishnu that he would become a black stone. Vishnu also retaliates and cursed her saying that she should become a Tulsi shrub. This is why Vishnu has turned into a shaligram, the ammonite found chiefly in the river Gandaki, and Vrinda into Ocimum sanctun, the Tulsi plant. Vishnu won over by Vrinda's unimpeachable chastity vows to marry her every year. This has been immortalised by performing their marriage annually on the 11th day of the month of Kartik. With the ceremony of Tulsi's marriage, the annual marriage season of the Hindus begins. This day also coincides with the end of Vishnu's four months sleep, known as Prabodhini Ekadasi (Awaking Eleventh). Another slight deviation in Tulsi's story of that when Vrinda discovered she was deceived, she built a pyre and immolated herself. But Vishnu admiring her chastity and sorry for the wrong done to her, was inconsolable till the Gods planted a Tulsi shrub and summoned her spirit into it. Since then she is believed to come into the shrub every evening leaving it in the morning. This is the reason why the Tulsi leaves are not plucked after sunset.