\documentstyle{article} % for multicolumn % \documentstyle[multicol]{article} \input idevn.tex % TeX macros that ease ITRANS devanagari font usage %----- % ITRANS song book....prepend this header to print out songs, % using TeX (either Devnac or Devnag font) % >>>>>>>> Need ITRANS 4.0 <<<<<<<<< %----- % User Configuration Option -- One column or Two column output. %\def\maketwocolumn{YES} % Uncomment this for 2-column printing %\def\makelandscape{YES} % Uncomment this for landscape format %\pagestyle{empty} \def\EN#1{} % empty operator \def\m+{\sBs{-0.30}{\char32}\kRn{-0.5}\sBs{0.50}{\char94}\ } % Vedic anusvaar \def\bcksl{{\tt\char92}} % to force a backslash since \\ will add linebreak \newcommand{\SCOUNT}{\stepcounter{scounter}\arabic{scounter}} \newcounter{scounter} %\newcommand{\BCOUNT}{\stepcounter{bcounter}\arabic{bcounter}} %\newcounter{bcounter} %\newcommand{\CCOUNT}{\stepcounter{ccounter}\arabic{ccounter}} %\newcounter{ccounter} %\newcommand{\resetCCOUNT}{\setcounter{ccounter}{0}} %\newcommand{\addline}{\medskip\hrule\medskip} %\newcommand{\separate}{\medskip\hrule\medskip\setcounter{scounter}{0}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Edit this if needed, default should be ok for most users. \ifx\undefined\maketwocolumn % --- One column output \let\usedvng=\Largedvng % 15pt devanagari font % \let\usedvng=\Hugedvng % ??pt devanagari font \let\smallcmr=\eightrm \let\titlefont=\tenrm \else % --- Two column output \let\usedvng=\normaldvng % 10pt devanagri font \let\smallcmr=\sixrm \let\titlefont=\eightrm \fi % font options (normaldvng, largedvng, etc): % sizes: normal < large < Large < LARGE < huge < Huge %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % if needed, redefine "space" to allow each input line to be broken into % multiple output lines (\let =~ is the default, which enforces line rule) % That has to done in the idevn.tex file, or add this command after % \startsong in your input file: % {\global\let =\ }% Comment this out for: 1 input line --> 1 output line % (you cannot uncomment the command here, it has to appear after \startsong) %----- % Uncomment one of the following paragraphs: % First one is for Frans Velthuis's font. % Second one uses the font that is bundled with the ITRANS package. % ONLY one of these should be uncommented at any one time............. % ** Frans's font....(Metafont) (Uncomment the following TWO lines.) #indianifm=dvng.ifm % ITRANS command #indianfont=\fransdvng %-----OR-------- % ** Devnac font (PostScript) (Uncomment the following TWO lines.) % #indianifm=dvnc.ifm % ITRANS command % #indianfont=\postdvng #useshortmarkers % this allows use of ## (beginindian) and ## (endindian) % ----------------------------------------------------------------- % Page Settings \ifx\undefined\makelandscape % Use Portrait Size Page \portraitpage % use a slightly wider page \addtolength{\textwidth}{0.25in} \else % Use Landscape Size Page \landscapepage \fi % \setlength{\topmargin}{-1.25in} % real margin == this + 1in % \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-.75in} % real margin == this + 1in % \setlength{\evensidemargin}{-0.0in} % real margin == this + 1in % \setlength{\textwidth}{8.0in} % \setlength{\textheight}{10.75in}% % ----------------------------------------------------------------- % The idevn.tex file is now included with ITRANS 4.0, but it has % a new method of specifying the songtitle (using printtitle). % For backward compatibility, need to define songtitle. \def\songtitle#1#2#3#4{% \film{#1}\singer{#2}\lyrics{#3}\music{#4}\printtitle} % ----------------------------------------------------------------- \font\titled=dvng10 scaled\magstep1 \raggedright % since the words are long, this reduces the long % gaps that appear when TeX justifies the lines. %\parskip 3 pt % to slightly increase the space between the shlokas. \parindent 0pt \begin{document} % from startsong command: \def\-{{\englfont -}}% \def\.{{\englfont .}}% \usedvng % use whatever font the user wants...default normaldvng \englfont % usedvng makes default font indian, restore english font % end from startsong command % \ifx\undefined\maketwocolumn \relax \else \twocolumn[\centerline{##\LARGEdvng 108 upanishhad.h suchii##}\bigskip] \fi %\hrule height0.4pt % ----------------------- End of ishdr.itx ------------------------ %\obeylines %\obeyspaces %\obeyspaceslines #indian ## % for multicolumn % ## \centerline{\titled } ## % \begin{multicols}{5} \centerline{##\LARGEdvng upanishhad.h suchii 108##}\bigskip \centerline{\LARGE A list of 108 upanishhad} \bigskip \medskip %## Lord Rama says to Shri Hanuman in muktikopanishhad.h : \medskip The only means by which the final emancipation is attained is through maaNDUkya upanishhad alone, which is enough for the salvation for all aspirants. If GYAna is not attained therebym study the 10 upanishhads; thou shalt soon attain GYAna, and then My Seat. O son of ajnjanaa, if thy GYAna is not made firm, practice (study) well the 32 upanishhads. Thou shalt get release. If thou longest after videhamukti, study the 108 upanishhads. I will truly state in order the (names of the) upanishhads with their Shaanti (purificatory mantras). Hearken to them. (They are:) \medskip \medskip ## iisha ##=## shukla yajurveda, mukhya upanishhad.h\\ kena ##=## saama veda, mukhya upanishhad.h\\ kaTha ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, mukhya upanishhad.h\\ prashna ##=## atharva veda, mukhya upanishhad.h\\ muNDaka ##=## atharva veda, mukhya upanishhad.h\\ maaNDukya ##=## atharva veda, mukhya upanishhad.h\\ taittiriiya ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, mukhya upanishhad.h\\ aitareya ##=## R^ig veda, mukhya upanishhad.h\\ chhaandogya ##=## saama veda, mukhya upanishhad.h\\ bR^ihadaaraNyaka (10) ##=## shukla yajurveda, mukhya upanishhad.h\\ brahma ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, sa.nnyaasa upanishhad.h\\ kaivalya ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, shaiva upanishhad.h\\ jaabaala(yajurveda) ##=## shukla yajurveda, sa.nnyaasa upanishhad.h\\ shvetaashvatara ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ ha.nsa ##=## shukla yajurveda, yoga upanishhad.h\\ aaruNeya ##=## saama veda, sa.nnyaasa upanishhad.h\\ garbha ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ naaraayaNa ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, vaishhNava upanishhad.h\\ paramahaMsa ##=## shukla yajurveda, sa.nnyaasa upanishhad.h\\ amR^ita\-bindu (20) ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, yoga upanishhad.h\\ amR^ita\-naada ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, yoga upanishhad.h\\ atharva\-shira ##=## atharva veda, shaiva upanishhad.h\\ atharva\-shikha ##=## atharva veda, shaiva upanishhad.h\\ maitraayaNi ##=## saama veda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ kaushhiitaaki ##=## R^ig veda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ bR^ihajjaabaala ##=## atharva veda, shaiva upanishhad.h\\ nR^isiMhataapanii ##=## atharva veda, vaishhNava upanishhad.h\\ kaalaagnirudra ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, shaiva upanishhad.h\\ maitreyi ##=## saama veda, sa.nnyaasa upanishhad.h\\ subaala (30) ##=## shukla yajurveda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ kshurika ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, yoga upanishhad.h\\ maantrika ##=## shukla yajurveda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ sarva\-saara ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ niraalamba ##=## shukla yajurveda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ shuka\-rahasya ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ vajra\-suuchi ##=## saama veda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ tejo\-bindu ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, sa.nnyaasa upanishhad.h\\ naada\-bindu ##=## R^ig veda, yoga upanishhad.h\\ dhyaanabindu ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, yoga upanishhad.h\\ brahmavidyaa (40) ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, yoga upanishhad.h\\ yogatattva ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, yoga upanishhad.h\\ aatmabodha ##=## R^ig veda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ parivraat (naaradaparivraajaka) ##=## atharva veda, sa.nnyaasa upanishhad.h\\ tri\-shhikhi ##=## shukla yajurveda, yoga upanishhad.h\\ siitaa ##=## atharva veda, shaakta upanishhad.h\\ yogachuuDaamaNi ##=## saama veda, yoga upanishhad.h\\ nirvaaNa ##=## R^ig veda, sa.nnyaasa upanishhad.h\\ maNDalabraahmaNa ##=## shukla yajurveda, yoga upanishhad.h\\ dakshiNaamuurti ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, shaiva upanishhad.h\\ sharabha (50) ##=## atharva veda, shaiva upanishhad.h\\ skanda (tripaaDvibhuuTi) ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ mahaanaaraayaNa ##=## atharva veda, vaishhNava upanishhad.h\\ advayataaraka ##=## shukla yajurveda, sa.nnyaasa upanishhad.h\\ raamarahasya ##=## atharva veda, vaishhNava upanishhad.h\\ raamataapaNi ##=## atharva veda, vaishhNava upanishhad.h\\ vaasudeva ##=## saama veda, vaishhNava upanishhad.h\\ mudgala ##=## R^ig veda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ shaaNDilya ##=## atharva veda, yoga upanishhad.h\\ pai.ngala ##=## shukla yajurveda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ bhikshuka (60) ##=## shukla yajurveda, sa.nnyaasa upanishhad.h\\ mahat ##=## saama veda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ shaariiraka ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ yogashikhaa ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, yoga upanishhad.h\\ turiiyaatiita ##=## shukla yajurveda, sa.nnyaasa upanishhad.h\\ sa.nnyaasa ##=## saama veda, sa.nnyaasa upanishhad.h\\ paramahaMsa\-parivraajaka ##=## atharva veda, sa.nnyaasa upanishhad.h\\ akshamaalika ##=## R^ig veda, shaiva upanishhad.h\\ avyakta ##=## saama veda, vaishhNava upanishhad.h\\ ekaakshara ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ annapuurNa (70) ##=## atharva veda, shaakta upanishhad.h\\ suurya ##=## atharva veda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ akshi ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ adhyaatmaa ##=## shukla yajurveda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ kuNDika ##=## saama veda, sa.nnyaasa upanishhad.h\\ saavitri ##=## saama veda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ aatmaa ##=## atharva veda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ paashupata ##=## atharva veda, yoga upanishhad.h\\ parabrahma ##=## atharva veda, sa.nnyaasa upanishhad.h\\ avadhuuta ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, sa.nnyaasa upanishhad.h\\ tripuraatapani (80) ##=## atharva veda, shaakta upanishhad.h\\ devi ##=## atharva veda, shaakta upanishhad.h\\ tripura ##=## R^ig veda, shaakta upanishhad.h\\ kaTharudra ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, sa.nnyaasa upanishhad.h\\ bhaavana ##=## atharva veda, shaakta upanishhad.h\\ rudra\-hR^idaya ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, shaiva upanishhad.h\\ yoga\-kuNDalini ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, yoga upanishhad.h\\ bhasma ##=## atharva veda, shaiva upanishhad.h\\ rudraaksha ##=## saama veda, shaiva upanishhad.h\\ gaNapati ##=## atharva veda, shaiva upanishhad.h\\ darshana (90) ##=## saama veda, yoga upanishhad.h\\ taarasaara ##=## shukla yajurveda, vaishhNava upanishhad.h\\ mahaavaakya ##=## atharva veda, yoga upanishhad.h\\ paJNcha\-brahma ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, shaiva upanishhad.h\\ praaNaagni\-hotra ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ gopaala\-tapaNi ##=## atharva veda, vaishhNava upanishhad.h\\ kR^ishhNa ##=## atharva veda, vaishhNava upanishhad.h\\ yaaGYavalkya ##=## shukla yajurveda, sa.nnyaasa upanishhad.h\\ varaaha ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, sa.nnyaasa upanishhad.h\\ shaatyaayani ##=## shukla yajurveda, sa.nnyaasa upanishhad.h\\ hayagriiva (100) ##=## atharva veda, vaishhNava upanishhad.h\\ dattaatreya ##=## atharva veda, vaishhNava upanishhad.h\\ gaaruDa ##=## atharva veda, vaishhNava upanishhad.h\\ kali\-saNTaaraNa ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, vaishhNava upanishhad.h\\ jaabaala(saamaveda) ##=## saama veda, shaiva upanishhad.h\\ saubhaagya ##=## R^ig veda, shaakta upanishhad.h\\ sarasvatii\-rahasya ##=## kR^ishhNa yajurveda, shaakta upanishhad.h\\ bahvR^icha ##=## R^ig veda, shaakta upanishhad.h\\ muktika (108) ##=## shukla yajurveda, saamaanya upanishhad.h\\ % 19 upanishhads are from Shukla Yajur veda and have the Shaanti %beginning 'puurNamada.' % 32 upanishhads are from krishna yajurveda and have the Shaanti %beginning 'sahanaavavatu.' % 16 upanishhads are from Saama veda and have the Shaanti %beginning 'aapyaayantu.' % 31 upanishhads are from Atharva veda and have the Shaanti %beginning 'bhadram\-karNebhiH.' % 10 upanishhads are from Rig veda and have the Shaanti %beginning 'vaNme\-manasi.' %The list of the 108 upanishhads can be found in Muktika 1: 30-39. %Please note that the classification of each upanishhad is not give %in the muktika. Please e-mail corrections to mgiridhar@ucdavis.edu \medskip \medskip\hrule\medskip #endindian \medskip Send corrections to M. Giridhar mgiridhar@ucdavis.edu \end{document}