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Purusa-bodhini Sruti

Purusa-bodhini Sruti


Purusa-bodhini Sruti
Description: This text was taken from Haridas Shastri's edition of Sadhana-dipika (q.v.), where it is quoted in full. This text has been cited in Prameya Ratnavali and elsewhere, but it is no doubt a very late text. See Radhopanisat for further information.

Jagat (2002)
Keywords: Purusa-bodhini, Sruti, Purusha, Bodhani, Radhopanisat, Upanishad, Upanisad, Sadhana, Dipika
Date: 25.05.2003 23:32
Version: 1.00 (legend)
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Added by: Jagat

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Join Date: 06.06.2003
Comments: 62
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The four chapters found in this edition are sometimes refered to as chapters 7-10. This has led to confusion. Are there six other chapters to this work?

The following statement is found in Bhagiratha Jha's Gopala-tapani commentary:

tad etad upaniSad-bhAgaH saptama-prapAThakam Arabhya dazama-prapAThaka-paryanta iha prakRta-vAkyArthasya sukha-bodhAya paThitaH | sA ceyaM puruSArtha-bodhiny-upaniSat atharva-vede pippalAda-zAkhAyA brAhmaNa-bhAge gopAla-tApinyA saha tasyaivottarArdhatayA paThyate iti siddhAnta-ratna-taT-TIkA-kRto baladeva-vidyAbhUSaNAH | gopAla-tApiny-upaniSat pippalAda-zAkhAyAM paThyate iti tu sundara-bhaTTa-nArAyaNa-bhaTTAdayaH sarve taT-TIkA-kRtaH | evaM ca paJca-prapAThakAtmikA paJcAdhyAyAtmikA vA gopAla-pUrva-tApinI, SaNDa-catuSTayAtmaka-prapAThakaikottara-tApinIti SaSTha-prapAThaka-paryantA samagra-gopAla-tApanI | saptama-prapAThakAd Arabhya dvAdazatama-prapAThaka-paryantA puruSa-bodhinIty evaM sampadyate iti yuktaM tasyAH gopAla-tApiny-artha-samavetatvam | tasyA atra dazama-prapAThaka-paryanta-bhAga uddhRtaH | zeSa-pAThaka-dvayaM—yat tasya pIThaM hiraNyASTa-palAzam ambujam ity atra paThiSyAmIti |

In short, the six segments of the Gopala Tapani (five in Purva, one alone in the Uttara) form the first six portions of the Atharvana Upanishad, the Purusha-bodhini is its appendix.
26.05.2005 10:36 Offline Jagat janbrz at

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