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The planets, or grahas, that influence a person in sidereal astrology are: the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and the two shadowy planets, Ketu and Rahu. The nine grahas are all called planets, but Ketu and Rahu do not actually have “bodies.” Rather, they are subtle planets.The word planet is defined as a “celestial or astrological point (property of attraction) called graha.” The literal meaning of graha is “holding, grasping, or seizing.” A graha is an entity with the power to hold, grasp, or seize, and since the planets are capable of this, they are known as grahas. The influence planets exert on a person can be examined according to their placement, dignity, and strength at the time of the native’s birth.The three planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, as well as other planets and stars, are considered to have very little influence on a person’s chart in Vedic astrology. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are considered to have little influence because they are so far from the earth and move so slowly. These planets were discovered only recently, and are not mentioned in the ancient Vedic astrology books.

They are usually not taken into consideration when drawing up a person’s chart.In Western astrology, ten planets are taken into consideration: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Ketu and Rahu are also taken into consideration as the moon’s nodes, but they are not usually considered to be as important in Western astrology as in Vedic astrology.The most important planets in Vedic astrology are the two luminaries, the Sun and the Moon. Since the Moon is so close to the Earth, it bears great influence on a person’s chart.Next in importance are Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, which are outside the orbit of the earth. Next are Mercury and Venus, which are within the earth’s orbit and close to the Sun. The Lunar Nodes, Rahu and Ketu, are considered the least important.The planets move at different speeds, and each planet influences people according to its nature. The planets’ speeds decrease as the distance from the Earth increases. Mercury, which is close to the Sun, moves quite quickly. It usually moves within 28º of the Sun. Different forces influence planetary movement and cause them to move at different velocities.

Ketu and Rahu
When the Moon orbits the earth, the two points where it crosses the ecliptic are considered important. The point where the Moon crosses to the north is called its northern node, or Rahu, and where it crosses to the south, it is called the Moon’s southern node, or Ketu. The south point is exactly 180º from the north point. In Western astrology the northern node is called Caput Draconic, or Dragon’s Head, and the southern node is called Cauda Draconic, or Dragon’s Tail.Ketu (Dragon’s Tail) and Rahu (Dragon’s Head) are actually two subtle but powerful points in relationship to the Moon’s movement around the Earth. These two planets are referred to as “shadow planets” (chaya grahas or aprakasha) because they do not have any mass or body.

Rather, they are two sensitive points in the zodiac. In Vedic astrology they are assigned functions like the other planets.Since Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets, they reflect the qualities of the signs they tenant. If Ketu is in Virgo, for example, the sign ruled by Mercury, an astrologer will look to see where Mercury is located and then predict the same influence for Ketu.

Some Western astrologers take Rahu and Ketu into consideration, but many do not. The northern node’s position is listed in the ephemeris, but the southern node is rarely mentioned. However, we know that it is always situated 180° from Rahu. Rahu influences power and affluence in a person’s chart; Ketu is connected to noble and spiritual issues.

Planets and the Days That They Rule
In Vedic astrology, the planets are listed in the order of the days they rule:

Planets Hindi Name Day of Week
Sun Ravi Sunday
Moon Chandra Monday
Mars Kuja Tuesday
Mercury Budha Wednesday
Jupiter Guru Thursday
Venus Sukra Friday
Saturn Shani Saturday
Dragon’s Head Rahu  
Dragon’s Tail Ketu  

Attributes of Planets
Sun–religious, charitable, learned, strong;
Moon–rich, educated, studious;
Mercury–educated, respected, happy, fortunate;
Venus–long life, charitable;
Mars–educated, energetic, princely, famous; Jupiter–respected, easily angered, leader among men, strong;
–charitable, long life, opulent, talented;

Where the Sun is situated in a chart is considered very important, as it is the king of the planets and the cause of universal light. The Sun and Moon are both sovereigns. The Sun is generally accepted to be malefic, but can be benefic. The Sun is significant for royalty or high government or political position. The Sun’s qualities: fire, masculine, and the color copper-red. The Sun’s gem is ruby.

The Sun deals with the father, a person’s external appearance, how he or her is seen by the public, and the way a person acts. It deals with the soul and the self. It affects philosophical tendency, health, political power, and the native’s status and respect. The Sun can make one decisive and determined. A well-situated Sun can give optimism, good fortune, a positive outlook, a high position, first-class qualities, and success.

The Sun rules the heart. It represents the right eye for men and the left eye for women. Rain is caused by the Sun, and since rain affects crops and financial position, the Sun is considered important. The Sun governs bankers, gold smiths, doctors, government positions, churches and temples, and public positions. 

Because the Moon is so close to the Earth, the Moon’s position in a chart is considered very important. The Moon represents the mind and the mother. The Moon’s qualities: feminine, womanhood, and the color white. In general, the Moon is benefic when waxing and malefic when waning. The Moon’s gem is a white pearl.

The Moon deals with the mind, and affects both the way a person thinks and his or her thoughts. Thus it influences happiness and emotions. During a full Moon, lunatics become more active. The moon deals with feminine qualities. It rules things dealing with water and affects the ocean tides. It affects the body fluids, liquids, and occupations dealing with water.

The Moon deals with public business, fame, and popularity. An exalted Moon will give a person respect, wealth, good health, and mental stability. A debilitated Moon will cause the opposite. Depending on which planet is afflicting the Moon, various effects will result.

Mars is naturally malefic, masculine, and fiery. Mars deals with the brothers, land, immovable properties, warfare, science, fire, competition, courage, and determination. Red coral is the gem for M ars, and Mars’s color is blood-red. Its metal is copper and number is nine.A positively placed Mars gives a person strong energy, productivity, a powerful leadership position (such as army leadership), physical strength, strong character, successful material life, quick mental facility, good organization skills, strong determination, ambition, and enables one to act independently. When Mars is exalted, one has strong energy, courage, strength, is well educated, famous, and majestic. When Mars is powerfully placed, a person devotes his or her energy to positive endeavors and worthwhile causes.

A badly placed Mars can cause injury, disease, hostility, enemies, scandal, anger, and disagreements. An afflicted Mars may make one too sexually active, reckless, fanatically religious, extravagant, violent, destructive, and one may tend to steal. It can cause a loss of energy and the tendency to waste time when badly placed. An afflicted Mars may cause the blood to be impure causing boils, anemia, and bad blood pressure.

Occupations that deal with Mars are the military, ambassadors, public speaking, construction, real estate, flying, athletics, restaurant management, and cooking.

Mercury governs intelligence and therefore rules such fields as education, literature, communication, the arts, public speaking, and advertising. It deals with maternal uncles, friends, intelligence, and childhood. Mercury’s nature is fast-moving and youthful. A person influenced by Mercury can usually perform activities quickly, and can do several tasks at one time. Mercury’s color is green, metal is brass, number is five and emerald is its gem.Mercury enhances the ability to learn languages and the scriptures, improves memory, speaking ability, and business. If Mercury is exalted in the chart, the native will be educated, talkative, playful, fortunate, highly respected, enthusiastic, and energetic. It is associated with friendship, logic, leafy trees, discrimination, charms (amulets), travel, agriculture, the nervous system, vocation, speech, adaptability, and commerce. A badly placed Mercury can cause a person to lack energy, have speech and hearing impediments, and to be deceptive.

Some occupations in relation to Mercury are public speaking, astrology, the medical profession, publishing, writing, dancing, drama, education, middleman in business or politics, accountancy, the testing of precious stones, sculpture, and professions requiring skillful hands.

Jupiter is the most auspicious and benefic planet. A powerful and benefic Jupiter is a strong asset in a person’s chart and can give great rewards. Jupiter rules the higher qualities of the mind and the elevation of the soul. It influences one to do good. Powerful and rich people often have strong Jupiter.

The Sanskrit name for Jupiter is guru, or one who teaches and is respected. Its color is bright yellow, metal is gold, number is three, and it has a masculine quality. Jupiter’s gem is yellow sapphire.

Jupiter deals with the sons, husband (for women), religion, finance, prosperity, truth, philosophy, teaching, wisdom, knowledge, charity, positive thought, happiness, intelligence, one’s spiritual orientation, learning, superior persons, guru, and religious activities. It is associated with education, pilgrimage places, transcendental wisdom, scriptural understanding, treasury, fruit, and fruit trees.

Jupiter rules over the liver, blood circulation, bodily fluids, body fat, thighs, and feet.A person with an exalted Jupiter will be a leader, wealthy, powerful, respected, and influential. A person influenced by Jupiter is noble, optimistic, positive, dignified, joyful, benevolent, dignified, and able to concentrate deeply. He or she may also be prone to anger.

If Jupiter is afflicted, the native may be extreme and immoderate. If Jupiter is debilitated, it can cause unhappiness, egotism, legal problems, carelessness, vanity, infamy, overeating, over optimistic, pressure from creditors, bad speculations, debts, disputes, false hopes, childlessness, and gambling. An afflicted Jupiter may cause a person to be extravagant, over-generous, and excessive. A person with a badly placed Jupiter may have sexual problems, be dishonorable, act improperly, and act undignified.

Venus is a benefic planet. It deals with the wife (for a man), marriage, happy family life, a good home, vitality, love, sex, beauty, sensual pleasure, comfort, luxury, art, poetry, and material comfort. A person influenced by Venus is optimistic, charismatic, gives others happiness, and moves gracefully. Venus gives a person pleasure in life. Its color is a mixture of all the colors (rainbow), metal is silver, and number is six. Venus is a teacher. Diamond is the gem for Venus.

Venus is associated with flowers, jewelry, beautiful things, semen, sweet foods and flavors, tropical climates, makeup, cows, sexual activity, nice clothes, various sensual pleasures, pleasant scents, ornaments, and flowering trees. Venus rules singers, dancers, musicians, artists, craftsmen, actors, prostitutes, and entertainers. Salesmen, watery places, diplomats, and peacemakers are also ruled by Venus. Venus is said to rule over the eyes, reproductive system, kidneys, cheeks, chin, and throat.

A well-placed and unafflicted Venus makes a person wealthy and comfortable. Those with a strong Venus in their charts will tend to be attracted to the opposite sex at a young age. When Venus is exalted, one will become a humanitarian, have a long life, and have many good qualities.

An afflicted Venus may cause a delayed and/ or disturbed marriage, cause one to get a bad name, to become impotent or sterile, and age quickly. One may also tend to overeat and drink, indulge in sex, and contract sexual diseases. People with a powerful Venus often have problems with the excretory system because of over-indulgence in food and drink. A badly placed Venus may cause bad eyes, anemia, and mucous disorders.   

Saturn is malefic by nature. Saturn’s influence is powerful and is usually negative in a person’s chart. It is often feared. Saturn rules death, disease, and old age. Saturn influe nces philosophy and vairagya (detachment). Saturn is the furthest planet from the Sun and has little light. It is a cold, defensive, dry, hard, barren, and binding planet. If a person is under Saturn’s influence, they tend to be lazy, lethargic, and prone to gambling. Its color is blue, and blue sapphire is Saturn’s gem. Its metal is iron and number is eight.Saturn represents hardship, hard work, toil, misery, loss, theft, gambling, immoral activities, longevity, obstruction, limitation, disrespect, detachment, unrighteous activities, adversity, poverty, cruelty, lameness, and the problems of life.

It influences a person’s work and employment, and the problems one must overcome to become successful. Saturn deals with laborers, thieves, foreign lands, foreigners, learning foreign languages, foreign travel, agricultural production, oil, gas, minerals, iron, servants, dangerous substances, hunters, and yoga practice.

Saturn stays in each sign for 2½ years and takes thirty years to go through all the signs. It moves very slowly. Because of its slow movement, it symbolizes delay. Saturn causes delay, can deny, and will often cause disappointment. Saturn’s negative effects are difficulty, dejection, disharmony, differences, dispute, and despondency. If Saturn and Rahu influence marriage, they will cause a delayed marriage, and if really malefic, one may not be able to marry at all.A well-placed Saturn can produce great results.

The beneficial effects of Saturn are stability, prudence, patience, perseverance, endurance, self-control, economy, industry, sense of duty, the ability to become a positive public figure, thrift, and compassion. When Saturn is exalted, a person will live a long life, be charitable, efficient, and be loving toward their mate.

A badly placed Saturn may cause wind diseases and can cause sexual problems. If Saturn afflicts a particular house in a person’s chart, the part of the body ruled by that house will also be afflicted. Diseases that may be caused by a badly placed Saturn are fevers, headaches, paralysis, epilepsy, fainting, jaundice, deafness, anxiety, dumbness, insanity, depression, bad teeth, and a bad right ear.

Rahu is by nature a malefic planet. It often intensifies the effect of the house it tenants. People usually fear the influence of Rahu and Ketu. Accor ding to the Vedas, Rahu is a demoniac planet and will attack the Sun and Moon, causing eclipses. Many authorities say that Rahu acts like Saturn. The gemstone for Rahu is Gomedha. Its number is four.

Rahu influences the paternal grandfather, prosperity, abuse of alcohol and drugs and the use of intoxication in general, strong pain, theft, corruption, frustration, problems with ghosts, uncleanliness, renunciation, psychic disturbances, epidemics, harsh speech, gambling, traveling, wickedness, widowhood, disease, epidemics, supernatural phenomena, and suicidal impulses. It represents fear, snakes, snakebites, and problems from past bad activities.

Persons with an exalted Rahu are wealthy and fortunate. Rahu can make one powerful and influential over the public. An afflicted Rahu causes mental and bodily problems, dysentery, cholera, and may increase the tendency to commit suicide.

Ketu is normally a malefic and restrictive planet. It usually afflicts the house it tenants, except when it is exalted or connected to a benefic planet. It tends to perform like the ruler of the sign that it tenants. Many astrologers say that Ketu acts like Mars. It often causes poverty and obstruction to a person’s endeavors. Cat’s Eye is the gemstone for Ketu. Its number is seven.Ketu deals with the maternal grandfather, pain, suffering, causing trouble to enemies, poison, fever, injury, pride, death, negation, enmity, and selfishness. On a positive side, it deals with religion, philosophy, knowledge, salvation, spiritism, liberation, and psychic ability. An exalted Ketu can protect one from evil and make one wealthy.

If Ketu is weak or badly placed in a chart, it can cause poverty, fatal disease, a tendency to gamble, and be the cause of obstructions in life. Ketu is associated with material suffering; therefore, it can have a good effect on a person’s spiritual life. An afflicted Ketu may cause accidents, paralysis, skin problems, dropsy, ringworm, and colic pains.   

Each planet is a Karaka, or indicator (significator), of certain matters, events, characteristics, and occurrences in a person’s life.

Planet Karaka
Sun - father
Moon - mother
Mercury - maternal uncle friends
Venus - wife or husband
Mars - brother
Jupiter - children sons elder brothers guru
Saturn - servants life duration
Rahu - paternal relations
Ketu - maternal grandfather

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