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In Sanskrit, astrology is called jyothisha, “the science of light.” Astrology is the science which deals with the influence of the planets. Planetary influences on humankind can be classified into three categories: spiritual, mental, and physical. Astrology postulates that people are always under the influences of planetary rays and that those influences can be understood scientifically. The science of astrology has been used in India for thousands of years. Vedic astrology accepts that a person takes a position in this birth according to the karma accrued in past births.

According to Vedic astrology, people accumulate karma in every life based on their actions and desires. They are reborn at the moment the planets move into a particular configuration. That configuration can then be studied to discover whether a person’s past activities were pious or impious, and what events are most likely to occur in a person’s future as a result.

The planetary positions at the time of birth thus reveals the events of a person’s present life as well as his or her past and future lives.The quality of a person’s chart is judged by the position of the various planets in the zodiac—in the different signs and constellations. Each planet has a different influence over the person.

Astrology can be used to examine all aspects of life, including finance, marriage, spiritual life, career, health, relationships, and even every day activities. Astrology can also give an indication of someone’s personality. The placement of planets in a chart can enable an astrologer to predict short- and long-range situations and how best to meet them according to an individual’s needs.Planetary influences change quickly. We can see that even two people born within an hour of one another at the same place can have completely different karmas. Therefore, astrology has developed into an exact science, and when used properly, it can help oneself and others.

The planets influence every living being who takes birth on earth. Astrology can determine how and when the various influences will act, and whether their effects will be good, bad, or neutral. A qualified astrologer can give advice about how to adopt positive remedies to counteract negative planetary influences. If we have an indication of troubles ahead, we can choose to either protect or fortify ourselves against them, just as if we know it is going to rain, we can choose to carry an umbrella.

This site describes the sidereal system of astrology, used by Vedic authorities. It is the most correct system, and the most detailed, in its ability to predict the planetary influences on mind, intelligence, soul, and spiritual life. It is also the most complete in prescribing remedial methods to solve potential problems, and to better use the positive influences of stars and planets. Although each person is affected by karma, Vedic astrologers propound that karma is not eternal; adjusting the planetary influences can change it. Gemstones, for example, are one way in which the planetary vibrations can be appeased or changed for the better.

An ephemeris is a book that lists the position of the planets at any particular time. A number of Vedic astrologers have made their own ephemerises, but their calculations are sometimes incorrect. Many astrologers agree that the values in Lahiri’s ephemeris (an Indian ephemeris) are correct. Another recommended ephemeris is the Rosicrucian ephemeris. Most Western (tropical) astrologers use Raphael’s ephemeris.

An important point to note in reference to the difference between Vedic and Western astrology is the position of the Sun or Moon at the time of birth. In Vedic astrology when you see Aries and other signs discussed in newspapers and other places they are usually talking about where the Moon is located in a birth chart and not where the Sun is located in the birth chart. So if a person tells someone in India that they are an Aries, an Indian will often assume you are saying that the Moon was in the sign of Aries at the time of birth, while most Westerners are saying that the Sun was in the sign of Aries at the time of birth.  

Astrology can be used to answer questions about health, occupation, marriage, auspicious times to take journeys, and how to recover stolen items. When approaching an astrologer with an actual question (as opposed to simply drawing up a birth chart), the astrologer will draw up a prashna chart.

The prashna chart is drawn according to the time the question was asked. An astrologer drawing up a prashna chart will find it helpful to know the position of planets in both the questioner’s birth chart and his or her navamsa chart.

Prashna charts can help find thieves and indicate where the stolen goods may be located. They can also help, in cases of illness, to indicate whether a prescribed medication is beneficial, whether the afflicted person will recover, and whether the illness has even been diagnosed properly. When used to answer a question about marriage, the prashna chart can indicate whether a proposed match is proper, auspicious, and whether a person will get the mate of their choice.   

The Zodiac
The zodiac is a band in the sky extending nine degrees on either side of the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the great circle formed by the intersection of the plane of the earth’s orbit with the celestial sphere; the apparent annual path of the sun in the heavens.

The sun passes exactly longitudinally through the center of the zodiac, and the planets run up to nine degrees on either the north or south sides of the ecliptic. The distance north of the ecliptic is known as the northern latitude, and the distance south as southern latitude. If a planet is situated directly on the ecliptic, it is said to be at zero latitude.The zodiac measures 360 degrees and is divided into twelve equal divisions consisting of thirty degrees each. These divisions constitute the signs of the zodiac. Each degree is divided into sixty minutes, and each minute is divided into sixty seconds.

The zodiac begins at the fixed star, Ashwini. This star is located at 0°, and from this point to 30° is the sign of Aries. The next sign, Taurus, begins at 30º and ends at 60º. Each following sign takes up 30º, ending with Pisces, which goes from 330º to 360º. It takes the earth about one year to travel around the sun.

Since there is more than one star in the constellation of Ashwini, not all Vedic astrologers agree with what the 0° exactly means.  

Tropical vs. Sidereal
There are two types of charts, Tropical (Western) and Sidereal (Vedic, or “Fixed”). The important things to take into consideration in both systems are the position of the planets in the zodiac signs and the exact birth time. Astrological charts can be drawn using either system, but it is important that the astrologer be competent.The Tropical system is not based on the actual location of the stars. In the Tropical system, the zodiac, or birth signs, are based on the position of the Sun in relationship to the Earth and not on the position of the stars.

Therefore, part of the Tropical sign Aries presently corresponds with the Sidereal sign Pisces.
There is a difference between Vedic and Western zodiacs of about 22 to 23 degrees. The difference in degree between the two zodiacs is called the AYANAMSA.

The ayanamsa in the Rosicrucian ephemeris is considered correct by many astrologers. If in a chart the position of the houses and the planets have been taken from a Western ephemeris (such as Raphael’s), about 23º have to be deducted from the tropical longitude to come up with the Vedic or Sidereal zodiac.The first degree of the zodiac was originally similar in both systems. As time passed, however, and because of the peculiarities of the earth’s orbit, the stars and constellations appeared to shift in relation to the Tropical zodiac. This is called the “procession of the equinoxes,” or the Ayanamsha. This is the difference between where the vernal equinox (where the Tropical zodiac begins) is located now and where the constellation of Aries begins.

At the present time, there are about 22º to 23° between the beginning points of both zodiacs. In 1950, many Western astrologers placed the Ayanamsha at 24º02'. Vedic astrologers placed it at between 21º40' and 23º10'. B. V. Raman placed it at 21º42' in the same year.

The difference between the charts changes about nine minutes per ten years; that is, .9 minute is added per year. The change is about ninety minutes every one hundred years.Thus if a person is born on January 1, a Western chart would place the Sun in Capricorn while a Vedic chart would place it at about 16° Sagittarius. If the Sun is said to be in Capricorn according to the Tropical system, it does not mean that the Sun is in the fixed sign of Capricorn. In actuality according to the Vedic system the Sun could be in Sagittarius. If a planet in a Vedic horoscope is at 15º Leo, it will be calculated at 5º or 6º Virgo in a Western horoscope.

Another difference between the two systems is the position of the cusp. In Vedic astrology, the cusp begins at the middle of the house and goes 15° in both directions. In Western astrology, the cusp starts at the beginning of the house and goes 30° in each direction. These are the main differences between the two astrological systems.

The first degree of the Western zodiac is calculated by where the Sun is positioned on the first day of spring, the vernal equinox (about March 21). The position of the equinoxes to the fixed stars changes over a period of time, because the Earth moves on its axis, causing the fixed stars to move backwards in the zodiac. It takes about 25,000 years for a complete circle to be made in the zodiac. About 2,000 years ago, when Western astrology was first developed, the two zodiacs coincided.

According to the sidereal system, the zodiac or birth signs are based on the position of the fixed constellations and stars in the sky. Sidereal means “pertaining to the stars.” It is judged by where the constellations are actually located.For instance according to the Western or Tropical dates the Sun sign of Aries is March 21 to April 19, while according to the Indian or Sidereal Sun sign the dates of Aries are April 14 to May 13. The Western or Tropical dates for the Sun sign of Pisces is February 19 to March 20 and the Indian or Sidereal dates for Pisces is March 14 to April 13.

Please note that this book will deal only with the sidereal (Vedic) system and that all signs are based on a fixed zodiac.

Lunar and Solar Year and Month
There are twelve lunar (“moon”) months in a year. A lunar month is calculated by the time it takes the Moon to travel through all twelve signs of the zodiac, or from full moon to full moon. The Moon is the quickest moving planet. A solar (“Sun”) month lasts thirty to thirty-one days, and is calculated by the time it takes the Sun to move through one sign of the zodiac.The Moon’s placement at birth is considered important. In popular astrology columns in Indian newspapers, predictions are made by the Moon’s placement at the time of birth. Western newspapers base their predictions on the Sun’s position.There are thirty lunar days, or tithis, in a lunar month. The average lunar month lasts twenty-nine days, twelve hours, and forty-four minutes. A tithi is a lunar day. The period extending from the new moon to the full moon is called Shukla Paksha, the bright fortnight of the lunar month. It lasts fourteen days. The fifteenth tithi is called Purnima, full moon. The period that extends from the full Moon to the new moon is called Krishna Paksha, the dark fortnight of the lunar month, and it also last fourteen days. The thirtieth tithi is called Amavasya, new or dark moon.

The fourteen names for lunar days are listed below. They are used both for dark and bright halves of the lunar month. Since the fourteen names are used for both halves of the lunar month, each tithi is also labeled with “Shukla” or “Krishna”: Shukla Pratipat for the first day of the bright half of the month, and Krishna Pratipat for the first day of the dark half of the month.When the Moon waxes, it becomes fuller, and when it wanes, it becomes dark. Therefore the period of the waxing Moon happens when the moon grows from new moon to full moon. Similarly, the period of the waning moon takes place when the full moon gradually shrinks to the new moon.

The lunar year lasts about 354 days, and the sidereal year lasts about 365 days, 6 hours. Because there is a difference between the two years, Vedic astrologers add an extra month every three years. This extra month is known as Adhika-masa.

Hindu Tithis (Days)
1. Pratipat
2. Dwiteya
3. Tritya
4. Chaturthi
5. Panchami
6. Shashthi
7. Saptami
8. Ashtami
9. Navami
10. Dashami
11. Ekadashi
12. Dwadasi
13. Trayodashi
14. Chaturdashi
Ascendant or Lagna
The ascendant ( lagna) is the sign on the eastern horizon at the time of birth. It is called the ascendant because it literally ascends. The ascendant sign changes approximately every two hours, and all twelve signs rise within a twenty-four-hour period one after the other. The ascendant or rising sign is considered very important in Vedic astrology, just as the Sun sign is treated with importance in Western astrology.

Technically the ascendant is the exact degree on the eastern horizon, but actually the ascendant is judged to be the sign that the ascendant is in. If the ascendant is in Aries, then Aries is considered to be the ascendant.

The sign ascending at the time of birth becomes the first house in the birth chart. For example, if Leo is ascending, the first house is Leo, the second Virgo, the third Libra, and on through the other signs in order: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer.

Janma Rashi (Moon Sign)
Janma Rashi is the sign (rashi) that the Moon is in at the time of birth (janma). The Moon sign and the ascendant sign are both given great importance in a chart.

Yoga means “link” or “connection.” A planetary yoga refers to a combination of influences in a person’s chart; that is, when one planet or sign is situated in relation to another by way of aspect or conjunction. Different yogas give different effects, and there are both benefic and malefic yogas. Some important benefic yogas are Raja yoga, Dhurdhura yoga, Gajakesari yoga, Shubhakartari yoga, and Pancha Mahapurusa yoga.If there are benefics on both sides of the ascendant, this combination is known as a Subhakarthari yoga. If the ascendant is sandwiched by malefics, it is known as a Papakarthari yoga, which is malefic. Raja yogas bring fame, wealth, good name, and great power.

It is important to see whether the ascendant and its lord are powerful, well-associated, and free of malefic aspect. The Moon must similarly be examined for similar associations. 

Specific Situations
The Ascendant and the strength and weakness of the Ascendant determines a native’s appearance and character. If a masculine planet rules the 5th house or the house of children during conception, then a male child will be born.Education is usually judged from the 4th house, its lord, and where Jupiter, the lord of education, is placed.

Astrology can help determine the best occupation. Occupation takes into consideration the 10th house, its lord, and the planets in the 10th house. If there are no planets in the 10th house, then an astrologer will look at the Navamsa chart to determine occupation.

The 4th house rules the mother and the 9th house the father. The indicator of the mother is the Moon; the Sun is the indicator of the father.

When dealing with marriage, look at Venus, the spouse’s lord, the 7th house, and the lord of the 7th house. 

Time of Special Influence of Different Planets
Each planet has it greatest influence on a person during certain periods of his or her life. Below are the time periods accepted by many authorities. 

Birth to 4th year
5th year to 14th year
15th year to 22nd year
23rd year to 41st year
42nd year to 56th year
57th year to 68th year
69th year to 108th year
Age of Planets
Different planets have a greater influence on a person’s life at different times in a person’s life. A strong Jupiter will give a good effect in the middle age. A strong Saturn will give wealth and a good position in old age. 

Mars - child (some astrologers say 16 years old)
Mercury - boy (some astrologers say 20 years old)
Venus - 16 years old (some say 7 years old)
Jupiter - 30 years old
Sun - 50 years old
Moon - 70 years old
Saturn - 100 years old
Rahu - 100 years old
Ketu - 100 years old
Harmonic and Navamsa Chart
A harmonic chart is drawn when each sign is divided into various divisions or “amsas.” In Vedic astrology, two charts are usually done, the birth chart (Rashi Cakra) and the Navamsa or Harmonic Ninth. There are sixteen major Harmonic or amsa charts, but the Navamsa is usually considered the most important. Astrologers usually place the main consideration on the birth chart and give extra consideration to the Navamsa chart.Navamsa means “ninth part.” A Navamsa chart divides a sign into nine equal divisions of 3° 20'. A Navamsa chart identifies in what part of a sign a planet is located, and whether its position is positive or negative. Each navamsa is a pada, or one-fourth of a constellation. Each sign contains 2¼ constellations. Divided into nine, it makes up one-fourth of a constellation.The Navamsa chart can be used like the birth chart to read a person’s entire life. The Navamsa chart is often used to determine marriage and relationships. By doing a couple’s Navamsa chart, material and spiritual compatibility can be determined. A person’s spiritual life can also be determined. If a planet is in the same sign in both the birth and Navamsa chart, it is strong, whether for the positive or negative.Besides the Navamsa chart, other harmonic charts may be calculated, such as the Harmonic First, Second, Third, Fourth, Seventh, Tenth, Twelfth, Sixteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-seventh, Thirtieth, Fortieth, Forty-fifth, and Sixtieth. The most important are the ninth, third, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-fourth, twenty-seventh, and thirtieth. Sometimes seven or even sixteen harmonic charts can be drawn.

As doing harmonic charts can be time-consuming, it is best to use a computer to do the calculations.
When doing a Navamsa chart, the Ascendant’s placement is important. Because of the subtle differences possible if a birth time is not entirely accurate, it is best not to rely on the Navamsa chart for the most reliable reading. If the birth time is even ten minutes off, the Ascendant’s position can change. A chart drawn with a wrong Ascendant is useless.

Transits or Movement of the Planets
The transit of a planet consists of its movement through the signs of the zodiac. Because of different cosmic influences, the speed of the planets change. The planets usually move through the signs and constellations in a forward motion, but sometime they seem to move in reverse or retrograde. For example, if the Sun is in Virgo, it is said that the Sun is transiting Virgo. The speed of each planet gets slower as their distance from the earth increases. As the planets move through different signs, they have different effects. The transits of the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn are considered to be the most important.

1. The Sun moves about one degree in one day, and takes about 365 days and six hours to travel around the zodiac. The Sun spends about a month in each sign.

2. The Moon takes about one hour forty-eight minutes to go one degree of the zodiac. The Moon completes a cycle of the zodiac in twenty-seven to twenty-nine days.

3. Mars takes about one and half days to go one degree of the zodiac, or forty-five days to travel thirty degrees.

4. Mercury spends about one month in each sign. Since Mercury is always close to the Sun, Mercury’s speed changes frequently. Sometimes Mercury moves in front of the Sun, and sometimes the Sun moves in front of Mercury. Mercury is never more than twenty-eight degrees in either direction of the Sun.

5. Jupiter stays in most signs for about a year, but stays in some signs for less than a year. Jupiter completes a cycle of the zodiac in about twelve years. Because Jupiter spends a long time in each sign, it is quite influential.

6. Venus spends about a month in each sign. Venus moves about one degree a day, or takes about 360 days to travel around the zodiac.

7. Saturn takes about 2½ years, or thirty months to travel thirty degrees, or one sign of the zodiac. Saturn takes about one month to move one degree of the zodiac. Saturn spends about two and a half years in each sign, or about thirty years to travel through all the signs of the zodiac. The transit of Saturn in a chart is usually unfavorable, unless it is transiting its own house or it is the lord of the ascendant when Capricorn or Aquarius is rising. When Saturn passes through the 12th, 1st, and 2nd houses, the native is generally considered to be in a bad period and should not expect peace of mind. This period lasts for 7½ years and is called Sadhe Sati, which literally means “seven and a half years.”8. Rahu and Ketu move in a reverse direction and take eighteen years to travel around the zodiac.Go To Top

Times the Planets Spend in each Sign

Sun - 1 month
Moon - 2¼ days
Mars - 45 days
Mercury - around 1 month
Jupiter - 1 year
Venus - 1 month
Saturn - 2¼ years
Rahu - 1½ years
Ketu - 1½ years
Retrograde Motion
Retrograde is when a planet appears to move in a reverse or backward direction. Rahu and Ketu always move in a retrograde motion. The Sun and the Moon never move in a retrograde motion. The other planets sometimes go forward, sometimes backward, and sometimes remain stationery.

The planets become retrograde when they are a particular distance from the Sun. Otherwise, they move in a forward direction. It is said that the planets never actually go backward but only appear to do so when seen relative to the earth. 

Remedial Measures
To help alleviate the effects of weak planet, certain remedial measures can be taken. One can perform sacrifice or austerity, one can wear gems, certain colors, worship certain deities, chant mantras, change one’s life-style, or perform other positive activities. A good remedial measure is to give in charity. If a person wants a particular effect, a particular gem can be prescribed. Also, worshipping planetary yantras can improve the effects planets have in a chart.The planets indicate a person’s karma. If a person performs spiritual activities, he or she can overcome all karmic effects and thus all planetary influences.

Worshipping God overrides the effects of karma because God is more powerful than material reactions.

Marriage Selection
In India, an astrological chart is almost always drawn up to arrange compatible marriages. After compatibility has been established, astrology is used to select an auspicious time and date for the marriage. The time, date, day of week, planetary positions, and constellations should be auspicious when deciding when to marry.

The lunar days considered good for marriage are the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th, and 13th of the bright half of the month. Days of the week considered more auspicious are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

The lunar months of Magha, Phalguna, Vishakha, and Jyestha are considered auspicious, Karttika and Margasira are considered average, and the other months are considered inauspicious.

Auspicious constellations are Rohini, Margashirsa, Magha, Uttara Phalguna, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Mula, Uttara Shadha, and Revati.

Potential Problems with Time of Birth
There is a difference of opinion among astrologers on what constitutes the actual time of birth. Some say birth occurs as soon as the child’s head first appears from the birth canal, others say that the head must be fully out, others insist that birth has occurred when the child takes its first breath (proven by a baby’s first cry), and still others say that birth has truly occurred when the umbilical cord is cut.

Not knowing the exact time of birth can alter the accuracy of the birth chart, as the first house of a birth chart reveals which planet was on the ascendant (on the horizon) just at the time of birth. The planets move along the horizon every two hours.Even knowing how to decide the exact time of birth is often not enough to draw up an accurate chart if the parents do not record the actual time right at the birth. In many hospitals, birth times are not recorded accurately but at the convenience of the doctor or nurse. They can be as much as ten or fifteen minutes off. Therefore, many birth charts are based on approximate birth times.

Different Styles of Charts in India
There are three basic chart designs in India: the North Indian style, the South Indian style, and the East Indian style.

In the North Indian style, the signs are denoted by numbers, with Aries being 1, Taurus 2, Gemini 3, and so on in order for the rest of the signs. The sign at the top center of the chart is the ascending sign; the balance of the signs go in order counter-clockwise.

The South Indian style is a square chart with twelve divisions. The sign of Aries is marked with an asterisk. The signs then go clockwise starting with Aries, then Taurus, Gemini, and the rest the signs in order. The rising sign is marked by “Asc” for ascendant or “L” for Lagna, or a diagonal line may be drawn across the sign.The chart drawn by the East Indian system is similar. The area with an asterisk is the sign of Aries. The signs then go in order, counter-clockwise. The rising sign or ascendant is marked with an “L” for lagna. Also, numbers are written next to the planets to indicate the constellation the planet is tenanting.Some astrologers also use the Western style chart, which is drawn in a circle. The ascending sign is on the left, and the signs go in order counter-clockwise.


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