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In Sanskrit, a sign is called a rashi. The zodiac consists of twelve signs. Persons born under a particular sign often have the qualities of that sign. The dates listed below are approximate. When it says that Aries begins on April 14, it can actually change by a day or two depending on the year.

The signs are:

Aries - Mesha
0° to 30°
April 14 to May 13

Taurus - Vrishabha
30° to 60°
May 14 to June 13

Gemini -Mithuna
60° to 90°
June 14 to July 15

Cancer - Karaka
90° to 120°
July 16 to Aug. 15

Leo - Simha
120° to 150°
Aug. 16 to Sept. 15

Virgo - Kanya
150° to 180°
Sept. 16 to Oct. 16

Libra - Tula
180° to 210°
Oct. 17 to Nov. 15

Scorpio - Vrischika
210° to 240°
Nov. 16 to Dec 14

Sagittarius - Dhanu
240° to 270°
Dec. 15 to Jan. 13

Capricorn - Makar
270° to 300°
Jan. 14 to Feb. 12

Aquarius - Kumbha
300° to 330°
Feb. 13 to March 13

Pisces - Meena
330° to 360°
March 14 to April 1

Appearance of Signs
1. Aries–ram
2. Taurus–bull
3. Gemini–twins, a man and a woman holding a trumpet and a harp
4. Cancer–crab
5. Leo–lion
6. Virgo–a virgin, a woman holding a lamp and a corn cob
7. Libra–the balance, a man holding in his hand a balance
8. Scorpio–scorpion
9. Sagittarius–body of horse and face of a human, holding a bow and arrow
10. Capricorn–crocodile
11. Aquarius–water carrier, man holding a water pot
12. Pisces–two fishes

Qualities of the Signs
Aries–movable, masculine, fiery, odd, cruel, of short ascension, rising by the hinder part
Taurus–fixed, feminine, earthy, mild, fruitful, of short ascension, rising by the hinder part
Gemini–Common, masculine, airy, barren, odd, cruel, of short ascension, rising by the head
Cancer–movable, feminine, watery, even, mild, fruitful, of long ascension, rising by the hinder part
Leo–fixed, masculine, fiery, cruel, odd, barren, of long ascension, rising by the head
Virgo–common, feminine, earthy, mild, even, of long ascension, rising by the head
Libra–movable, masculine, airy, cruel, odd, of long ascension, rising by the head
Scorpio–fixed, feminine, watery, mild, even, of long ascension, rising by the head
Sagittarius–common, masculine, fiery, cruel, odd, of long ascension, rising by the hinder part
Capricorn–movable, feminine, earthy, even, mild, of long ascension, rising by the hinder part
Aquarius–fixed, masculine, airy, cruel, odd, fruitful, of short ascension, rising by the head
Pisces–common, feminine, water, even, mild, of short ascension   Go To Top

Parts of the Body
Parts of the body relate to different signs.

Aries - head
Taurus - face (also the neck)
Gemini - chest and arms
Cancer - heart breast area above stomach
Leo - stomach area above navel
Virgo - area below navel and above basti
Libra - basti
Scorpio - genitals and anus
Sagittarius - hips and thighs
Capricorn - back and two knees
Aquarius - legs and calves
Pisces - feet

Aries is a fire sign ruled by Mars. It is symbolized by two rams butting heads, which indicates an adventurous, challenging mentality. It is a movable sign, and indicates wandering.

An person under the influence of Aries tends to be heroic, a leader, competitive, aggressive, active, dynamic, proud, adventurous, have initiative, a martial nature, be independent, is always on the move, and likes to walk. They tend to initiate projects, be impulsive, instinctive, opinionated, or critical. Good at logic and research, those under Aries may be impulsive and manipulative. They may try to push their ideas on others, become easily angered but easily pleased. Aries people usually don’t resort to violence.They eat quickly and sparingly, like vegetables and spicy food. They often have round eyes, weak knees, a slightly copper complexion, and prominent veins.   

Taurus is an earth sign and fixed in nature. It is ruled by Venus, and is symbolized by the bull. It represents the laboring class.

Taurus people may be artistic, lucky, stubborn, productive, and prosperous. They may work hard and be willing to sacrifice. They tend to have good memories, communicate well, and be poetic. They tend to acquire, maintain, and improve.

They tend to enjoy comfort and luxury. They become angry slowly, but are also slow to forgive. They may be cruel to those outside their circle of influence and tend to be sentimental. They often have more daughters than sons. They maintain permanent friendships.

A Taurean may be a businessman, banker, or property owner. They tend to consider marriage important and have happy family lives. Romantic and devotional, they believe in true love. They may be good at agricultural, and own cattle.

Taureans often have a pleasant appearance, with a broad face and thighs. They tend to be attractive and like to decorate themselves. They often have a good digestion. 

Gemini is an air sign ruled by Mercury and symbolized by two lovers. It represents the vaisyas or merchants. Geminis often prefer to stay indoors.
Geminis are often skillful at a variety of things, and are learned, talkative, jovial, nervous, and restless.

They are quick thinkers and speak nicely. They can often understand people’s intentions.

Sometimes they can become fixed on an idea and can pursue it even if no conclusion is in sight. They are often changeable and indecisive.Geminis enjoy food, singing, and dancing. They may be attached to many women, and can be sexually oriented.

They tend to marry more than once or have several partners. They may make improper and useless friends. They can be tricky.

Because they are intelligent and well-spoken, they tend to become writers, computer programmers, scientists, or secretaries. They are often good ambassadors and skilled artisans. They often work too hard and exhaust themselves.

They tend to have an attractive appearance, curly hair, dark eyes, and a prominent nose.   

Cancer is a watery sign and is movable. The Moon rules Cancer. Its symbol is the crab, and people influenced by Cancer prefer to live near water. Cancer is represented by the brahminical or spiritual nature. They enjoy astrology and may even become astrologers. Their fortunes often change.

Cancers are often emotional, intelligent, popular, sympathetic, gentle, and have sensitive natures. They like to have intimate and personal exchanges of feelings. They may be defensive or cowardly. When fixed on a project, they often have confidence and initiative. They also usually have good imaginations. They are easily persuaded by women. They tend to complain.

They tend to be of a shorter stature and to have broad waists and wide necks.

They have many friends, and people tend to visit them. They like to cook and take care of visitors. Cancer people understand the public and can use this skill in politics and to gain recognition. They love their countries and societies, and usually own houses. They usually have few sons.               

Leo is a fire sign and represents the military nature. It is fixed in nature. Leos are noble, and like sunny, forested, and mountainous places. Leo is symbolized by the lion, which represents heroism. It is ruled by the Sun.

Leos are often leaders, have notable appearances, endurance, and are showmen. They tend to be heroic, courageous, ambitious, brave, determined, noble, proud, and to prevail over others. They enjoy recognition, attention, respect, and honor, and they like to have a high social position. They often have good character.

They can also become easily angered, and their anger is not easily pacified. They take things personally and may overreact. They like to talk about themselves and to be the center of attention. They may dominate others. They have high opinions of themselves, and if they do not come up to their own standards, they may become depressed.

Leos are often their mother’s favorites. They often do not give their children enough independence, which may harm their relationships with their children. They often do not make good partners.

They may try to subordinate their partners.They often have large faces, prominent chins, yellowish eyeballs, and may have teeth problems.   

Virgo is an earth, worker, and feminine sign. Its symbol is the virgin, which represents purity. It is ruled by Mercury, and is the negative sign of Mercury.

Virgos tend to be able to express themselves well, be humorous, and give attention to detail. They are happy, orderly, comfortable, shy (especially when young), religious, clean, truthful, intelligent, have good memories, and possess a good command of language. They usually get the facts straight. Their knowledge is usually practical and not theoretical. They may be philosophical and live in foreign countries.

They tend to be good at arts and crafts as they have a good sense of detail. They may be good teachers, doctors, and healers. They may be good at hatha-yoga, and they often make good athletes. Because they can discipline their expression and project emotion, they also make good actors.

Being good workers, they may tend to overwork.
Because they have changeable minds, they can become neurotic. They may suffer from nervous disorders. Shoulders and arms tend to droop.
They may gain pleasure from the wealth of others, and they often have more daughters than sons.

Libra is an air sign. It is a movable, merchant sign ruled by Venus, and is the positive sign of Venus. Its symbol is the scale, which signifies justice and balance in life.

Libras tend to be successful in a partnership.
Libra people have good judgment, can examine things properly, and can judge things fairly. They believe in justice, truth, and harmony. They tend to be intelligent, religious, wealthy, clean, to like beauty, and to live a good life. They may be active and enjoy travel. They may also be fanatical and idealistic.

Libras may enjoy fame, recognition, and like an audience. They are often political, and can influence the masses. Therefore, they can be leaders, generals, revolutionaries, prophets, and reformers. They prefer administrative positions, where they can control others. In business they are good at buying and selling. Their wealth and status tends to increase only at the end of life. They are often successful because they are sociable.

They are often attractive with tall, lean bodies. They may have prominent noses. They may also tend to have health problems, but they recover quickly. The problems are often in their arms and legs.   

Scorpio is a water sign. A brahminical or spiritual sign, it is fixed in nature. Its symbol is a scorpion. Scorpio is ruled by Mars, and is the negative sign of Mars.

Person’s ruled by Scorpio often desire excitement, are passionate, and have a good position in life. They may be intense, introverted, secretive, and sexually attached. They may work to overcome negative forces and be respected by the government. They may experience the loss of their father or other elders early in life.They are often policemen, soldiers, and athletes. They can often use force and sometimes can be cruel. They may also become violent, and may become criminals or deal with vices.

They are often intelligent. They do not usually like to show what they are thinking. They tend to be good public speakers and debators. They may be good artists, poets, or actors, because they can express their sentiments and emotions. They tend to be good at research and investigation, and may be surgeons or chemists.

They often have a broad chest, big eyes, and round thighs, calves, and knees. They like to exercise and are often muscular. They tend to be sick when they are children.

Sagittarius is a fire sign and a sign for the ksatriyas or warrior caste. It is ruled by Jupiter, which represents those seeking a higher goal in life. It is the positive sign of Jupiter. Its symbol is the archer, which indicates vigor and the ambition to complete a goal.

Sagittarius people are often religious, good speakers, friendly, dramatic, enthusiastic, philosophical, and active workers. They often have a positive viewpoint about life. They believe in law and justice, and are willing to sacrifice for others. They can be brought around by persuasion, but not by force. They love nature and the outdoors. They like to have a good time, but may overdo it. They may not be able to settle down easily.

On the negative side, they may be too moralistic or self-righteous. They may not get along well with relatives. They may also be too critical.

They tend to be lawyers, businessmen, religious leaders, or athletes. Things often come easy for them, and they may receive an inheritance.
They tend to have large heads and necks, prominent noses and ears, bent shoulders, big teeth, and bad nails.  

Capricorn is an earth sign. It is ruled by Saturn, and is the negative sign of Saturn. Its symbol is the crocodile. It is a movable sign, a sign for laborers.

Capricorns are often committed and slow-moving. They will often work for themselves, and are ambitious, resolute, affluent, hardworking, fortunate, have strong stamina, and are willing to take good advice. Therefore they can often accomplish great tasks. They may start a task slowly, overcome obstacles, and attain long-range success.

The negative effects of Capricorn are that they may take themselves too seriously, be lazy, cruel, shameless, and have narrow goals.

In reference to accomplishment, a Capricorn person can reach the lowest or highest levels. They may be farmers or businessmen who invest for the future.

They often have good eyes, thin waists, and more developed lower bodies. Often they do not like cold weather.   

Aquarius is an air sign ruled by Saturn, and is the positive sign of Saturn.

Its symbol is a woman carrying a water pot, which indicates that a person under its influence is carrying a heavy burden or serves others.

Aquarius people have pleasant, scattered, unstable, eccentric personalities. They enjoy pleasant fragrances and flowers. They can work hard, but their fortunes often come and go. They are not usually wealthy, but put their money to good use. They may work for others, be humanitarians, and protect the oppressed and troubled. They may also take long, hard journeys.

They are often interested in mystical things. Because they have faith and devotion they can be successful as teachers or religious leaders. They are not usually good political leaders because they lack charisma.

They may not protest wrongdoings aimed at them. They may accept subservient positions and be influenced by their peers. They often do what they have been advised against doing, and do not avoid negative people, which may cause them harm.

Aquarius people often have large bodies, large ears with hair in them, and rough body hair. They tend to have bodies shaped like pitchers and have prominent veins.   

Pisces is a water and brahminical or spiritual sign. It is ruled by Jupiter, and is the negative sign of Jupiter. Its symbol is two fish swimming in opposite directions.

Some attributes of Pisces: enthusiasm, compassion, education, gratitude, emotion, and intuitive. They are often imaginative, but may need to control it. They tend to engage in sacrifice and ceremony. Pisces are often friendly and communicative, and relate well with other people. They like good clothes and often drink large amounts of water. They enjoy music, and can be good musicians. They may get wealth without much effort, sometimes by transporting goods overseas.

They are not usually good leaders, but can be good followers or promoters. They like to influence others, but are just as easily influenced themselves. They are impressionable and often sentimental, moved easily by emotion regardless of whether or not it is genuine. They are also sympathetic. They often lack good discrimination.

Pisceans may have problems with intoxication, sugar addiction, indecision, and lack initiative or self-confidence. They are often attached to their spouses, and can come easily under their influence. They may suffer from emotional disorders, because Pisces is a mutable and emotional sign.

They often have beautiful eyes, attractive bodies, large heads, proportionate limbs, and prominent noses. Their digestion and nervous systems may be weak.

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