Chapter Twelve

The Path of Devotion


1 Arjuna inquired: You have now described the devotees who engage in Your exclusive devotional service and worship You (as Syamasundara, Your original humanlike form). You have also mentioned others who concentrate upon the impersonal aspect of the Absolute. Please tell me, which of the two is the superior?

2 The Supreme Lord said: Those who, with unalloyed faith, fully absorb their consciousness in thought of this divine Syamasundara form of Mine, and worship Me constantly by the path of exclusive devotion, are definitely the most superior knowers of divine unity (yoga). Indeed, this is My opinion.

3, 4 However, those who fully control their senses, adopt the vision of equality towards everything, engage in deeds for the welfare of all beings, and engage in the worship of the indefinable, formless, attributeless, neverincreasing, neverdecreasing, all-pervading, and eternal impersonal aspect of the Absolute they can also approach Me. That is, they attain to My personal dazzling Brahman effulgence. Commentary 12.03/04

5 Persons whose minds are attached to the impersonal Brahman undergo excessive tribulation, because for embodied souls, the means and end of impersonalism is attained in an unhappy way.

6, 7 But those who offer their every action unto Me, take refuge in Me alone, think of Me constantly in pure devotion unadulterated by exploitation or renunciation, and who thus worship and adore Me O Partha, I swiftly deliver those devoted souls from the deathly ocean of material suffering.

8 Therefore, steady your mind exclusively upon Me Syamasundara and remember Me constantly. When your intelligence has thus become reposed in Me, you will definitely reside with Me after death. Of this there is no doubt.

9 O Dhananjaya, and if you cannot establish your mind in Me with firm faith, then try to reach Me by the repeated practice of remembering Me.

10 If you are ineffective in that practice as well, then engage devoutly in actions related to Me. You will surely attain to perfection even when engaged in actions, as long as they are conducted for My satisfaction and based on devotionally hearing and chanting My glories.

11 And if you cannot even do that, then perform your every action as an offering unto Me. With a controlled mind, taking shelter of such conviction, give up all consideration of the fruits of your actions.

12 Divine realization of Me is better than the attempt of self-exertion, and full absorption of the heart in pure devotional meditation on Me is better than that realization. From meditation, desire for heavenly happiness or liberation is dispelled, and when one finally becomes desireless, the peacefulness arising from indifference to mundane enjoyment becomes manifest.

13, 14 That devotee of Mine who is devoid of violence toward all living beings, but rather, friendly toward them, who is compassionate toward the needy, free from undue attachment for son, wife, family and associated objects, free from the egoistic pride of bodily identification, equipoised in both happiness and unhappiness, forbearing, always content with due gain, engaged in devotional service, endowed with fortitude, fully resolved in exclusive devotion, and whose mind and intelligence are dedicated in Me certainly such a personality is My beloved.

15 One on whose account no one is ever disturbed, who is never disturbed by anyone, and who is liberated from mundane happiness, anger, fear, and agitation certainly he is very dear to Me.

16 My devotee who is free from expectations in his general dealings, who is detached, externally and internally pure, expert, undisturbed, and free from all kinds of exploitative endeavors certainly he is very dear to Me.

17 One who is neither elated by mundane gain nor disgusted by the contact of undesirable things, who neither laments over the loss of any material valuables nor yearns for any unattained objects, and who remains detached from both pious and sinful actions a truly devoted personality of that nature is near and dear to Me.

18, 19 A person who sees equally enemies and friends, honor and dishonor; who maintains equilibrium in the presence of cold, heat, pleasure, and pain; who is completely free from obsession; who considers equally abuse and praise; whose speech is controlled; who is content in gain without endeavor; who is unattached to hearth and home; whose intelligence is steady in the divine, and who is a true devotee certainly he is My beloved.

20 And those devotees who take refuge in Me with sublime faith and worship this ambrosial path of devotion, are adored by Me as My very own.

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