The Hidden Treasure of the Sweet Absolute

Edited by

Srila B. R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj

With a preface by
Srila B. S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj

Rendered into English by
Sripad B. A. Sagar Maharaj


About the Editor

01/ Observing the Armies
02/ The Constitution of the Soul
03/ The Path of Action
04/ The Path of Divine Knowledge
05/ The Path of Divine Harmony
06/ The Path of Meditation
07/ Relative and Absolute Conceptions of the Supreme
08/ The Path of Absolute Freedom
09/ The Hidden Treasure
10/ The Great Treasure
11/ The Vision of the Universal Form
12/ The Path of Devotion
13/ The Predominated and the Predominator
14/ The Three Modes of Material Nature
15/ The Supreme Person
16/ The Godly and Ungodly Temperaments
17/ The Threefold Division of Faith
18/ The Supreme Goal of Divine Freedom