Chapter Sixteen

The Godly and Ungodly Temperaments


1-3 The Supreme Lord said: O Bharata, all these qualities appear in a man endowed with a virtuous and godly nature fearlessness, gracious-heartedness, absorption in self-knowledge, charity, control of the external senses, sacrifice, study of the Vedas, austerity, sincerity, nonviolence, truthfulness, freedom from anger, detachment from the mundane, tranquillity, disinclination to see other's faults, compassion for others, freedom from greed, gentleness, modesty, steadfastness, vigor, forgiveness, patience, cleanliness, nonenviousness, and freedom from egotism.

4 O Partha, these perverted qualities are found in a man of demoniac mentality: pride, conceit, egotism, anger, mercilessness, and injudiciousness.

5 The godly and virtuous qualities have been described as the cause of liberation, and the demoniac qualities have been described as the cause of certain bondage. O Pandava, you need not worry, for your nature is godly and virtuous from birth.

6 O Partha, the living beings in this world are seen to be of two natures godly and demoniac. I have already elaborately described the godly nature to you, so now hear from Me about the demoniac nature.

7 The demoniac nature cannot understand religious inclination or irrelgious disclination. Not a trace of purity, good practices, or truthfulness can be found in them.

8 The persons of demoniac nature say that the universe is nothing more than imaginary, baseless, godless, and born of their mutual cohabitation. They conclude that the whole world was created simply for lust.

9 Supporting such a conception, the demons, who are less intelligent bereft of self-knowledge, and the embodiment of ghastly deeds and inauspiciousness, become powerful simply for the purpose of world annihilation.

10 Resorting to insatiable lusty desires, totally infatuated and preoccupied in sensual pursuits, such demons, in a mad frenzy of arrogance and pride engage in ghastly malpractices.

11, 12 Up until their last breath they remain stricken with unlimited fears and anxieties. They are convinced that gratification of their lust is the ultimate pursuit. Ensnared by hundreds of multifarious desires and overcome with lust and anger, they go on trying to amass wealth unlawfully just for the purpose of sense gratification.

13 The demoniac persons say, "Today I got what I wanted, and tomorrow I will get what I want. This is all my wealth, and in the future, more and more will be mine."

14 "I have killed one enemy, and I will kill others. I am the lord of all I survey, I am the enjoyer, I am successful, powerful and happy."

15, 16 "What can match my wealth and aristocracy? I shall perform sacrifice and give charity to the needy, and I shall thereby enjoy." Deluded by ignorance, filled with anxiety, victimized by allurements, and addicted to sense enjoyment, those demoniac persons are doomed to detestable hells such as Vaitarani.

17 Always conceited, impertinent, and intoxicated by wealth and grandeur, all these demons (make a great show to) perform non-scriptural pseudo-sacrifices.

18 Steeped in egotism, mad with power, and carried away by lust and anger, utterly despising Me who am situated in their own and others' bodies as the Supersoul, they ascribe faults to all the good qualities (of the true saints).

19 Because those demons are envious, cruel, evil, and decadent, I continually cast them asunder to revolve in the cycle of birth and death, in the wombs of despicable demoniac species.

20 O Kaunteya, repeatedly taking birth in the demoniac species, these fools cannot come to Me, the embodiment of the Divinity. Thus, they descend lower and lower to the most vile and degraded condition of life.

21 The three suicidal gates leading to hell are lust, anger, and greed. Therefore, they must be completely abandoned.

22 O Kaunteya, one who is actually liberated from these three gateways to hell, acts for his best self-interest. Thus, he attains to the supreme destination.

23 A person who transgresses the injunctions of the scriptures and behaves whimsically can never attain perfection, happiness, or the supreme destination.

24 Therefore, the scriptural injunctions concerning duty and nonduty are your only precedent. Having understood the scriptural command in this plane of action that is, to act exclusively for the Lord's pleasure it behooves you to now apply these teachings practically.

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