Commentary 02.31

Svadharma, or the natural duty of the living entity, is of two types, according to the condition of either his bondage or liberation. In the liberated state, svadharma is devoid of the superfluous color or impetus which is found in the svadharma of material bondage. Actually, pure sva-dharma, suddha svadharma, is the liberated soul's absorption in engaging his every attempt for the divine pleasure of the Supreme Lord. On the other hand, the soul in material bondage accepts various birth throughout 8,400,000 species of life according to the fruits of his past actions, until by dint of pious or virtuous actions he obtains a human birth; then, according to his particular nature and movements he adopts a position in daiva-varnasrama, the God-centered, graded socio-religious system, as a favorable means of attaining pure svadharma of the liberated state. Thus, the practice of this favorable means is also known as svadharma in a general way. In other words, as smoke-covered fire is still known as fire regardless of its covering, similarly, although the original suddha svadharma of the soul may appear to be slightly covered, it is nonetheless counted as svadharma, within the consideration of the God-centered socio-religious system of varnasrama-dharma.

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