Commentary 03.35

Pure devotion unto Adhoksaja, the Lord who is beyond sensual purview, is the eternal superexcellent natural function of the soul. Therefore, even if such a function externally appears abominable, it is always far superior to conduct that is good in the estimation of mundane morality, which is always prejudiced by the material modes of goodness, passion, and ignorance. In the company of true saints, the progressive practice of cultivation in such pure devotion is the bestower of the ultimate merit, even if death occurs. Since ignorance-based intuition to perform unpredictable, spurious 'good' practices remains within dvitiyabhinivesa, or absorption in any object other than the Supreme Lord, such practices are bhayavah they simply lead to fear.

bhayam dvitiyabhinivesatah syad-
isad apetasya viparyayo 'smrtih
tan mayayato budha abhajet tam
bhaktyaikayesam guru-devatatma
(Bhag. 11.2.37)

"Because persons who are averse to the devotional service of the Supreme Lord have forgotten their own internal identities (as servants of the Lord) due to the action of maya, the deluding potency of the Lord, they remain within the false ego of considering the body as the self. When the attention is absorbed in mundane objects to the exclusion of the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna, one experiences fear on account of the body, family, friends, possessions, and so on.
Therefore, a person of fine intelligence will worship the Lord with exclusive devotion, knowing the genuine guru to be non-different from the Lord as His most beloved servant."

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