Commentary 04.23

According to their ethical but atheistic ideology, the karma-mimamsaka philosophers (mundane rationalists) claim that pious actions produce an unseen, subtle potency known as apurva, which must fructivy at the appropiate time after death. Their conception that this fruit can later be shared by others is meant to show the eternality of karma, or action, but it neglects the presence of the Supreme Autocrat. So the statement of Sri Krsna, samagraµ praviliyate, "All actions are dissipated", should not be misinterpreted to mean that the actions of liberated souls will cause some remote worldly consequence, or apurva. Rather, the Lord clearly points out that the pure actions offered to Him by the pure, selfless karma-yogi do not cause any subsequent reaction to be either enjoyed or suffered by others in this mundane plane.

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