Commentary 09.31

The second interpretation of this verse was revealed to Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in a dream.
In the Srimad Bhagavatam (11.11.32) Lord Krsna says:

ajnayaivam gunan dosan,
mayadistan api svakan
dharman samtyajya yah sarvan,
mam bhajet sa ca sattamah

"The best of honest persons are those who have left behind the forms of duties that I Myself have recommended in the scriptures, for the general public. Although it is My direction, they cross it and come to render loving service to Me. They are the real honest men."
In society, one must obey the law, but there is also the situation of crossing law to show faithfulness to the king. If one risks his life and reputation, and crossing the general law, enters into the royal chamber to combat an assassin, then he will be considered the best and most loyal servitor. Similarly, the Lord is saying, "I have already given some direction for the general public. Do this, don't do that, don't cross these laws, etc. But if for My interest anyone takes the risk of committing sin, then he should be considered the best among all My devotees. So, Arjuna, you go and declare it, promise it to the public that the ananya-bhak (9.30), the exclusively devoted persons, will never come to ruin. Then you will get the benefit. You will become dharmatma, religious, and attain eternal divine happiness. The ananya-bhak, the exclusive devotees, have already crossed the threshold of dharma, the standard of dutifulness, and taken the risk to throw themselves fully into My service. Sarva dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (18.66). There is no question of them again becoming virtuous or religious. They surpassed dharma long before, and took the risk and entered into prema-dharma, My loving service, rejecting both piety and sinfulness."

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