Commentary 15.02

Within the overall manifestation of this 'perishable yet constant' material world, some of the living beings, nourished by the modes of goodness, are wandering throughout the upper planetary system, having become enveloped by the egoistic conception of gods and celestial beings. Others, influenced by the modes of passion and ignorance, are wandering throughout the planets of the humans, animals, trees, and other lower species, having become enveloped by the egoistic conceptions of such species. The sense objects sound, smell, touch, taste, and form are represented by the new shoots of the branches of the tree of this material world, since they are merely transformations of the five unmixed primary elements (pancatanmatra) which evolve from the egoistic conception of the living beings of this plane.
Furthermore, although the principal root is situated upwards (inverted, and in aversion to the Supreme Lord), some of the subsequent down-going aerial roots of the Banyan tree remain rooted in the soil of the human plane of the land of exploitation. This indicates that the attempt to enjoy the fruits of one's action within human life the exploitative mentality of separate interest is supplying the nourishing sap in the form of a separate, secondary cause of the tree of this material world.

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