Commentary 18.64

According to Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, the hidden (guhyam) instruction of Lord Krsna is found in the second and third chapters of Sri Gita. There it is stated that engagement in selfless action will gradually lead one to the paths of knowledge and contemplation. His more hidden (guhyataram) instruction is found in the seventh and eighth chapters wherin the Supreme Lord imparts knowledge of Himself which gives birth to devotion. In Chapter nine, the most hidden (guhyatamam) instruction begins. The Lord describes the symptoms of exclusive devotion (kevala-bhakti), which is unmixed with action, knowledge, or abstract meditation.
Because His devotee Arjuna is very dear to Him, the Lord now repeats His hidden teaching for Arjuna's benefit. This time, however, He reveals His most hidden of all hidden treasure (sarva-guhyatmam) His most affectionate advice: "Arjuna, you are most dear to Me, so I will now divulge the whole truth to you."

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