
"The glory of Indian wisdom belongs to the oldest traditions in history. When people talk about the sources of philosophy, they make reference not only to the Orient at all, but especially towards India."
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

"The wonderful thing about the Bhagavad-gita is that, in it, a unscholared, experienced wisdom is revealed as helping goodness. This beautiful revelation, this wisdom of life, this philosophy, blossomed to religion, is what we are looking for and what we need ..."
Hermann Hesse

"It is the most rewarding and elevating reading possible: it has been the comfort of my life and it will be the one of my death."
Arthur Schopenhauer

"How much more impressing than all the ruins of the Orient is the Bhagavad-gita!"
Henry David Thoreau

"It is possibly the deepest and most elevating thing the world offers."
Wilhelm von Humboldt

"The Gita has always been a source of consolation to me. When there is no light approaching me, I open the Gita and a verse, accidently found, gives me back my smile."
Mahatma Gandhi

"The Bhagavad-gita is a rich message, directed toward the human being, showing him the path for his actions, in order to establish a divine society on earth."
Roger Garaudy

"The Gita is one of the most concise and richest summaries of the philosophy perennis there is. Therefore it has permanent value, not only for the Indians, but for the whole of mankind."
Aldous Huxley
