Chapter Ten

The Great Treasure


1 The Supreme Lord said: O mighty-armed Arjuna, hear My divine exposition once again. Only desiring the ultimate benefit for you, who are very dear to Me, shall I speak.

2 Neither the demigods nor the great sages can understand My unique, superexcellent, divine birth in this world, because in all respects I am the primeval origin of all those celestial beings and great sages.

3 One who knows Me, the son of Devaki, as birthless, the origin of everything, and the Supreme Lord of all beings, is undeluded among men, and liberated from all sins.

4, 5 Intelligence, knowledge, peacefulness, forbearance, truthfulness, external sense-control, internal sense-control, happiness, unhappiness, birth, death, fear, courage, non-violance, equanimity, satisfaction, austerity, charity, fame, and infamy all these various attributes of the living beings are born from Me alone.

6 The seven great sages headed by Marici, and preceding them, the four brahminical sages headed by Sanaka, and also the fourteen Manus or progenitors headed by Svayambhuva all are empowered by Me and are born of My mental expansion, Lord Brahma who is known as Hiranyagarbha. The entire population of the universe whether brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra descends from these patriarchs.

7 One who is factually in knowledge of My almighty supremacy and devotional service, engages in My service, due to his resolute, absolute conception. Of this there is no doubt.

8 I am Krsna, the Sweet Absolute, I am the root cause of the all-comprehensive aspect of the Absolute, the all-permeating aspect of the Absolute, and also the personal aspect of the Absolute the Master of all potencies, who commands the respect of everyone Lord Narayana of Vaikuntha. The universe of mundane and divine flow, every attempt and movement, the Vedas and allied scriptures which guide everyone�s worship all are initiated by Me alone. Realizing this hidden treasure, the virtuous souls who are blessed with fine theistic intellect surpass the standards of duty and nonduty, and embrace the paramount path of love divine, raga-marga, and adore Me forever. Commentary 10.08

9 Those surrendered devotees take Me as their life and soul, and go on discussing My ambrosial narrations among one another exchanging the ecstasies of devotion unto Me. They constantly relish the nectar of their realized divine relationships with Me in their respective internal natures of servitorship, friendship, parenthood, or consorthood. Commentary 10.09

10 To those devotees who are constantly dedicated to Me, and who engage in My service out of their love for Me, I bestow the internal divine inspiration by which they can approach Me and render various intimate services unto Me. Commentary 10.10

11 Out of compassion for them, I, situated within the hearts of all living beings, dispel the darkness of ignorance with the radiance of knowledge.


11 Being conquered by the love of those devotees who, in the most elevated position of noncalculative loving devotion (jnana-sunya prema-bhakti), are afflicted by all-devouring darkness born of the pangs of separation from Me, their Lord I, granting them the internal illumination of meeting Me personally, destroy the darkness of their agony of separation. Commentary 10.11

12, 13 Arjuna said: O Lord, You are the Supreme Absolute Truth, the supreme shelter, and the supreme saviour. All the prominent sages as Devarsi Narada, Asita, Devala and Vyasa have described You as the self-illuminating, self-manifest eternal Supreme Person, the foundation of almighty majesty, and the origin from whose divine play everything emanates and now You are personally declaring this to be true.

14 O Kesava, I totally accept as factual all that You have told me, beginning from Your statement, 'na me viduh' "They do not know Me." O Lord, now it is confirmed that no one among either the demigods or the demons know your identity in full.

15 O Supreme Person, universal father, O Lord of all beings, Lord of all gods, Lord of the universe! By your own divine cognizant potency, only You can know Yourself.

16 Please kindly describe to me in full those supernatural, personal opulences by which You pervade all these worlds.

17 O Almighty Lord of the creation, please tell me how I can meditate on You constantly and in all respects. What are the elements, qualities, situations, and forms by which I am to contemplate on You in devotion?

18 O Janardana, please once again describe Your majestic opulences and the process of devotion unto You, this time in an elaborate way, since I never become satiated by hearing Your ambrosial words and instructions.

19 The Supreme Lord said: O Arjuna, best of the Kurus, I shall describe to you simply the prominent, manifest, transcendental almighty opulences of Mine which arise from My divine conscious potency since My extensive glories are unlimited.

20 O Gudakesa, I am the Supersoul situated as the controller within the hearts of all souls, and I am the single cause of the birth, sustenance, and annihilation of all beings.

21 Of the twelve Adityas, I am Visnu, of the luminaries I am the great radiant sun; of the Vayus I am Marici, and of the stars I am the moon.

22 Of the Vedas, I am Sama-veda; of the demigods I am Lord Indra; of the senses I am the mind, and I am cognizance in all beings.

23 Of the eleven Rudras I am Sankara, and of the Yaksa and Raksasa races I am Kubera. Of the eight Vasus I am Agni, and of mountains I am Sumeru.

24 O Partha, you should know Me as the chief of priests, Brhaspati; among generals I am Kartikeya, and of reservoirs I am the ocean.

25 Of sages, I am Bhrgu; of sound vibrations, O�; of all sacrifices, the repetition of the holy names; and of the immovable, the Himalayas.

26 I am the Asvattha among trees, Narada of godly sages, Citraratha of heavenly singers, and Kapila Muni of perfected beings.

27 Among horses know Me as Uccaihsrava, who was born at the time of churning of the ocean of nectar; know Me as Airavata among elephants, and the king among men.

28 Of weapons I am the thunderbolt, and of cows I am the heavenly desire-fulfilling cow. Of cupids I am he who ensures progeny, and among the single-headed venomous snakes I am Vasuki, the king of all snakes.

29 Of the multi-headed nonpoisonous serpents I am the Ananta-naga, and of aquatics I am Varunadeva. Of the deified ancestors I am Aryama, and of law-enforcers I am Yamaraja, the lord of punishment.

30 Of the Daityas (descendants of Diti) I am Prahlada Maharaja, and of subjugators I am time. Among all the animals I am the lion, and of the birds I am Garuda.

31 Of sanctifiers, or of the rapid, I am the wind; of weapon-wielding heroes I am Lord Parasurama; among fish I am the shark, and of rivers I am the Ganges.

32 O Arjuna, of created objects, beginning with the sky, I alone am the creation, dissolution, and sustenance. Of all wisdom I am the knowledge of the soul, and of the logicians� or philosophers� debate and criticism I am the demonstrated conclusion.

33 Of the primary letters of the alphabet I am the letter 'a', and of compound words I am the dual. I alone am the endless flow of time, and of creators I am the four-headed Lord Brahma.

34 Of plunderers I am death, the vanquisher of all recollection; and of the predestined six transformations of the living beings I am birth, the foremost. Of ladies, I am the seven qualities of a good wife grace, beauty, perfect speech, remembrance, intelligence, patience, and forgiveness.

35 Of all the mantras in the Sama-veda I am the Brhatsama mantra which is uttered in prayer to Lord Indra, and of mantras in perfect prosody I am the holy Gayatri mantra. Of the months I am the foremost, Agrahayana, and of the seasons I am spring.

36 I am the dice-throwing of mutual cheaters, and influence of the influential. I am victory for the victorious, perseverance of the enterprising, and the strength of the mighty.

37 Of the Yadavas I am Vasudeva, of the Pandavas I am Arjuna, of the sages, I am Vyasadeva, and of the scholarly knowers of the scriptures I am Sukracarya.

38 I am the punishment meted out by chastisers, and the diplomatic policy of victory-seekers I am the silence of all secrets, and the wisdom of the wise.

39 O Arjuna, whatever has been considered the origin of all beings I am certainly that. No stationary or moving being, object or soul, can exist separately from Me.

40 O conqueror of the enemy, there is no end to My superexcellent opulences. Only for your edification have I described a few of them.

41 Know for certain that whatever is sublime, beautiful, and magnificent is born from a mere fraction of My potency.

42 But Arjuna, what is the need of your understanding this elaborate knowledge of My almighty grandeur? By My fractional expansion as the Supreme Soul of material nature, Maha-Visnu (Karanarnavasayi Visnu), I remain supporting this entire universe of moving and stationary beings.

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