Commentary 10.09

The Supreme Lord Krsna is speaking about His pure devotees:

mac-citta mad-gata-prana

"I am in their heart of hearts, in their every thought. Their entire energy their whole life is dedicated to My satisfaction. In private life they converse about Me to mutually enlighten one another, and in public life also, they always love to talk about Me, and nothing else. For every time, place, and circumstance, I am the only subject of their discussion."
Tuâyantica "They find very much satisfaction." Up to the divine relationship of parenthood (vatsalya-rasa) there is a feeling of satisfacton. Futhermore, ramanti ca "Just as a wife enjoys conjugal relationship with her husband, the devotees similarly feel such ecstasy in My intimate company when speaking about Me." This has also been explained by Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana, and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura.

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